I've been so hooked on your stories lately that, in sharing what's been big in my life for the past few months with my mom, I ended up reading this entire fic aloud to her. Well...I skipped a few paragraphs. The sex memories in moment 2 and the tongue part of the kiss at the end (the second because her reaction to that sort of kissing is...well...yeah.)
Anyway, my mom's not that much of a Buffy fan, so she kept stopping me to ask questions about when in canon it was and the events surrounding the chapters. Aside from her laugh when I mentioned Band Candy (which she later revealed to have forgotten an important plot detail of), the very first time she reacted as though she remembered a particular event...
...was the very first moment of your post-Chosen chapter.
In other words: My mom was mostly unable to visualize events from the actual series that you described...
...but a non-canon event, invented entirely by you, was vivid enough to trigger a false memory of having actually seen it and remembering it vividly.
I'll let you decide if this is just supremely weird or supremely awesome. Probably both...but ether way, it means you're damn good with these characters, creating visuals out of nothing but knowledge of and love for the characters. This is probably the best example I have for what keeps bringing me, and probablly a lot of other people, back again and again for this work. For why your vision of Spike and Giles and especially Xander has so colored my own. Sure, my mom's mind works strangely...but it proves a point.
I'm going with awesome. I love the thought that I got the characters true enough to the original that someone would mistake an invention of mine for the real thing. Especially since this was pretty much an internal monologue, except for the last bit. I really had fun exploring Giles' point of view. ASH played him with such lovely nuance. We didn't get a lot of backstory on him, but you just KNEW that he had this whole other life he was keeping hidden from the "children".
I've been so hooked on your stories lately that, in sharing what's been big in my life for the past few months with my mom, I ended up reading this entire fic aloud to her. Well...I skipped a few paragraphs. The sex memories in moment 2 and the tongue part of the kiss at the end (the second because her reaction to that sort of kissing is...well...yeah.)
Anyway, my mom's not that much of a Buffy fan, so she kept stopping me to ask questions about when in canon it was and the events surrounding the chapters. Aside from her laugh when I mentioned Band Candy (which she later revealed to have forgotten an important plot detail of), the very first time she reacted as though she remembered a particular event...
...was the very first moment of your post-Chosen chapter.
In other words: My mom was mostly unable to visualize events from the actual series that you described...
...but a non-canon event, invented entirely by you, was vivid enough to trigger a false memory of having actually seen it and remembering it vividly.
I'll let you decide if this is just supremely weird or supremely awesome. Probably both...but ether way, it means you're damn good with these characters, creating visuals out of nothing but knowledge of and love for the characters. This is probably the best example I have for what keeps bringing me, and probablly a lot of other people, back again and again for this work. For why your vision of Spike and Giles and especially Xander has so colored my own. Sure, my mom's mind works strangely...but it proves a point.
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