Thanksgiving... Eh.. Not my favorite Holiday but a nice one to share with people you love. -- My day started out being woken up around 6am .. We left the house around 7am maybe 6:50am and headed to my grandparents, Yaye! i love long drives :D hehe. Anyway me and my parents beat everyone else there which isnt unusally because the rest of my family are always late! no matter what.. They have a problem with being on time. So i got to hang out with just my Oma and Opa for awhile and my parents which was pretty cool.. My and my Oma talked about Forms of Art and different Artists.. Then i helped them prepare for tonights dinner. Around 12 the rest of my family showed up and we all hung out and munched on everything thing they brought. We all ate around 4pm and then relaxed and sat around sharing stories.. Alot about me when i was little, yaye childhood stories you have to love them. I guess i was a little terror when i was growin up o.O eh.. Go figure! haha.
Anyway around 5 i started feeling way sick because my wisdom teeth are coming in and carl had a big headache so we left. My dad guilt tripped me about not staying for the Four-wheeling adventure tomorrow but he understood i didnt feel well and kissed my head and told me to go home and sleep. Which was okie, Anyway that was pretty much all that happend.. I took a few pictures if you want to see them :D I just posted a few pictures, i have lots more but these made it before i got lazy. :D
:D Other then that Happy Thanksgiving!
Uncle and Me.
And i just got too lazy to post anymore. I have Links, if you want to see bug me >.>