Addition to the plan.

Dec 05, 2009 13:26

So I've just finished my honours year in Psychophysiology (or cognitive neuroscience for those playing at home) for my psych/psychophys degree. While a great degree, the problem is psychophys honours doesn't give me APS accreditation which is necessary if a career as a practising Psychologist is what I want. To be accredited by the APS, I'll need to do a fourth year in Psychology which I can get credits for units already completed (being standard psych courses). Plus the 12,000 word thesis can probably just be an extension of the work completed this year.

Therefore, the new plan is to complete my fourth year Psych (which comes to about 2 or 3 subjects plus another 6,000 words added to my thesis [which in turn can be salvaged from the lit review completed earier in the year]) while doing either 1st year Med or my PhD. The plus to this plan is that even though my workload increases, I don't need to get stellar marks, just pass.

I'll make enquieries after the GAMSAT, and get started on the thesis if I get an affirmative on my plan.

I still wonder where the hell this drive came from considering my lack of during my earlier years, but at the same time I'm not questioning it at all...
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