
Sep 27, 2005 01:26

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phoenix_were_84 November 10 2006, 06:30:49 UTC
I don't know if you're still into MLP anymore or not, since everything I've come across has been a couple years since it was updated but....I'm a fan from way back when Tales was playing on Disney channel in the 90's and your site rekindled my love for them. In any case, I'd love to be added to your LJ.

I'm also available on AIM, and yahoo:
AIM: VegetasGurl84
yahoo: darkmuse03

Thanks ^_^


orca5094 November 10 2006, 07:04:01 UTC
Well, hey! Nice to meet you, and glad you liked my site. ^-^ Of course I'm still into MLP (especially Tales), I just don't update my site much anymore. I try to keep it up-to-date, but simply haven't added anything new in awhile. ;)

Most of my time is focused on wildlife rehab now, so if you don't mind lots of animal-related LJ entries, then welcome! I've added you. =)


phoenix_were_84 November 12 2006, 05:50:12 UTC
I don't mind at all. I think wild life rehabilitation is a great (I don't wanna call it a job, but you know what I mean, right?). I always feel so horrible when I see roadkill, it makes me wanna get out there and do stuff, but living in an apartment in the middle of the city makes it difficult to actually get into the nitty gritty of it all. Plus being a single mom means that the time I would have normally spent helping others, gets spent taking care of my own "Little Pony" lol

Like I said before, she's the one who got me back into it, and I don't know if you'd be at all interested but I have a few sprite edits you might like to see. IM me at VegetasGurl84 on AIM, or darkmuse03 on yahoo and I'll show them to you. It could be your next big update for your site. ^_^ (Just an idea)

Congrats with Splinter btw, I was reading your posts the other day, I just didn't want to comment without knowing if you'd replied to my first comment. ^_^ Anyways, ttfn


phoenix_were_84 November 12 2006, 05:51:06 UTC
whoops!! I forgot I already gave you my IM names >_< lol


orca5094 November 12 2006, 08:28:06 UTC
Aww, how old is your daughter? Just curious. ;) I currently live with my sis and nephew (he just turned 6). I've accidently turned him into a pony freak already. O.O lol!

What's a sprite edit? Wow, I feel really blonde today with that one. ;D

And thanks! It's a really great feeling to raise these little buggars from babies (when otherwise they would have died) and have them do well out there in the "real world". ^-^


phoenix_were_84 November 13 2006, 04:44:57 UTC
My little one is 20 months old, she'll be 2 in March.

A sprite edit is like a doll. you take a base that's done in pixelated form and edit it to be whatever you want it to be. my fav base maker is angy_chan. I'll post one or two on my LJ so you can see them.

And finally, you're very welcome. people like you are the kinds of people i find facinating. to be able to have that much ability to raise them from babies.....wow. I'm glad Splinter is ok. ^_^ you make a great mom.


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