I have decided to withdraw my article from public view, pending an full investigation.
I decided to do this upon reading the comment made by
chuckvideo I smell something fishy, and it's not pond scum., so to limit my responsibly for any future flames directed against Marc Oakland, for what I still hold as an honest mistaken belief that he had discovered the remains of an Dalek prop from the UK television program Dr. Who, and not an attempt at deceit.
None of the previous should be construed as attack against Marc Oakland, whom still has my praise, and still deserves whatever credit is due to those whom take it upon themselves to clean up the shit left by others.
My article, and in progress investigation is now friend locked. Any whom may have been monitoring this entry need only send me an private message requesting I add you to my friend's list.
List of Sources
Anger, Target for Displaced. My Ghod! It's From The Stars...!. Real Men Take Care of Their Children. 2009-03-09. URL:
http://davidkevin.livejournal.com/350086.html. Accessed: 2009-03-09.
Pilgrim, Billy. My Ghod! It's From The Stars...!. Real Men Take Care of Their Children. 2009-03-09. URL:
http://davidkevin.livejournal.com/350086.html?thread=1293702#t1293702. Accessed: 2009-04-11.