Ooh an update/post or what have you. I am back from Urbana/Champaign for the second time where Dr. Cannon is finishing up teaching me how to use the FIB in the free use engineering (one of many) facility. Mmmm blasting holes and things in PMMA with Gallium ions. Whoo. For those less dorky or technically inclined yes it was fun. Cannon and I really get along (he even grew up as a gamer).
Other than that my life has been filled with dinking on linux (still using Gentoo) and trying to figure out how to work FEMLAB so that I can do some simulations. I have switched over almost completely to XFCE-4 and as of yet have been trying to get some good gtk+ apps for it so I can kick those qt based ones out of my system. I have just discovered beep media player. For those geeks and freaks out there that are using linux I would recommend switching from XMMS to beep. I really am too lazy to put a link in so just google it if you are interested.
I am thinking of setting up my own web site and mail server on my computer so I need to look into getting a domain name for my dynamic IP. If anyone has info on how to do this and reliable companies (looking at you
valrus). This would be great for me as I could not only have nigh infinite email space but I would also be able to have a ical hosted from so that I could check my schedule from anywhere through Mozilla Sunbird. Sometimes I wonder why I was not a computer science major... oh well such is life (I don't know how to write that properly in french so...).
P.S. Doom 3 rox my sox. Plays just fine in my linux environment and I have not even bothered installing it on my Windows XP partition. In fact I have not booted up into Windows XP in about a month or so and that was just to make sure it still worked and the virus files where up to date.
P.P.S Wow this is a geeky post!