Wow... I stumbled upon an entry from one of the regulars at SpinJam ,
Ctuck . He's got
pictures of me spinning fire at SpinJam! That was quite an honor -- Infinite Kaos is an indoor space, so they don't normally allow fire, but they let me spin as the first of what will hopefully be a series of guest spinners. Those guys know so many amazing spinners -- people that I've never seen spin... I was and am really excited about finding the pictures, but it kinda makes me wonder how many other cool pictures of me spinning there might be floating around out there.
Obviously some part of spinning fire is about looking cool and impressing your friends (anybody that tells you otherwise is a liar), but it turns out that for every great poi spinning picture there's 15 to 20 bad ones. So it's always nice to find good ones, and I'm collecting them so that if I ever have grandkids I'll be able to show them what their grandpa used to do.