Update #3 billion and a half.

May 15, 2009 19:15

visited 22 states (44%)
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Wow...makes me wonder why I've never been to New England...weird.

So, life. Aaaaaaaaaaaah....not much new to me, really. I stopped talking to my mom again (yay?). It's just massively easier to not do so.

Work is hilarious. Trying to get to take some time off may be difficult because our other receptionist is pregnant with her first child. Wishing her much luck.

Tony is still unemployed. Booo.

New anime that I'm loving: Eden of the East. If you remotely like anime you should check it out.

Saw Star Trek the other day against my will. I complained the whole time leading up to it, and then had to bite my tongue when I realized it was freaking awesome. *sigh* I'm not a fan of the original series (or next gen, or anything that followed) but I have seen some of it and been okay with it. The cast/writing/directing was amazing, and CHARACTER DRIVEN. Major props to them for doing that.

Blargh, tired. Cat hates me now that I tried to brush her teeth. Spending the night at my dad's (working tomorrow) tonight might remind her that she loves me and I in turn adore her. We'll see.

Love you/Miss you.

anime, eden of the east, cat, star trek, viola

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