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Sep 06, 2011 16:30

  • 11:43 Not usually thrilled about school stuff, but I kind of wonder if I have enough shirts from my undergrad to make a t-shirt quilt...
  • 11:45 This ( is kind of what's making me want to do it, but I count like... 20+ shirts in that quilt :(
  • 11:45 I probably don't have that many shirts. Even counting the Anime Club ones. Plus, I still like wearing the shirts from my major... Hmn.
  • 11:47 ...not that I have time to sew it. Or a serger, although I suppose you could do it with a regular old sewing machine like mine.
  • 12:32 And I just realized it's a Tuesday. This is going to be a slow day ^^;;
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school, crafts, sewing

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