I ran across
this interesting article about bringing more creativity into your life. Not everything in it makes sense--for instance, morning journals for me would be full of murderous thoughts and wishing the day would not come--but some of it is interesting. It reminds me that I think a lot about being creative, and I have all these ideas, but I never get around to implementing any and I usually forget them before they go anywhere :/ I have more creativity than time, so really, I guess I need to learn to manage it. Ah well.
Odd dream last night where I was living in a corrugated aluminum quonset hut-like small aircraft hangar with a lofted area for living space with
asphodel, and we were building a remote-control replica of an X-Wing fighter out of junk machinery parts we were nabbing from a junkyard nearby. The X-Wing fighter in question was about go-cart sized, and did not seem to be built with any intention of having a person inside (just a remote-control item) unless they were the size of a medium dog or something (we were fashioning a cockpit, because I'd ripped some vinyl/leather seat material off some old car seats for it and we were resting the thing on the foam from inside the seats). I believe I woke up in the midst of a discussion about the benefits of purchasing some EL wire for the project to add some lighting effects for better visuals after dark even if it wasn't true to exact original Star Wars design, and she was telling me it was too Tron for inclusion.
I woke up several times this morning, and kept rolling over and trying to will the day to go away :( My sleep schedule is still royally borked and I just don't know what to do about it anymore. And I really want to do stuff with EL wire, but seriously... what am I going to do with EL wire? -_- It's not like I don't know how to solder, and I certainly know how to bend wire into shapes... Le sigh.
Oh, and I may get slapped for asking, but... what is this Tumblr thing I keep hearing about? o_0 It looks like just another blogging service, but people keep talking about it like it's... more than that.