Aug 19, 2007 21:30
tomorrow is the day
that it changes
my life, his life.
im too exhausted to cry
i just smile because it's easier.
im so, so happy for him.
relieve for him.
i want him to go, not stay.
but it hurts because i'll still be here for awhile.
and i KNOW-- I KNOW
im going to wake up and think im going to leseans
but the house.. is empty
and he's miles away.
there finally go the tears.
this whole week has been so blurred
running to the finish line
i havent slept one good night
been sweaty
and he has too but 100 times worse
my heart hurts.
it sobs and beats slow.
i know that it's just bc this is new
a new change
it'll get much better..
but now it just sucks thinking about it
but exciting actually doing it..
does that make sense?
so this is my last night in the house i grew up and spent almost 4 of some of the changing yrs of my life.
it's so empty.
and quiet.
every corner has at least 10 memories.
and i'll never set foot in there again.
i try and get myself to realize this is real
still feels like a dream
that tomorrow is a vacation
and him and I will return
but not this time..
ok, so- last night.
those words are short but powerful...
......last night.......
two weeks from now im going to wish i was back here
writing this.
but that's why they say..
never look back.
long drive tomorrow
i need to finish packing.
Here's to getting on with life and getting out of Shreveport! :)