Just an ordinary day..

Dec 09, 2004 19:28

Today was uneventful.
went to einstein's this morning with sam. Then Spencer came in with his dad and sat right by us. Then we went and walked back to school. oh wow.. i have never tripped so many times in 10 minutes. Some guy asked me how much I've drank this morning. kindA funnY! but i scratched my elbow. ouch! :(
ahh.. finals next week!! def. scared for biology. that class is so hard. my teacher gives us study guides that have absolutely nothing to do with any of the tests he gives and then he has no idea why our class did so bad. ahahaha
i absolutely love my drama class. those kids are totally awesome! <3

my mom talked to some guy last night about getting me pedal extenders!
ahhh... i'm so excited to driveeee! :)

There's something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right
It reminded me twice that I was alive
And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight
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