(no subject)

Sep 11, 2015 10:29

It seems I never really write here unless it is about my dad. Guess what? This is totally about him too.

I haven't watched much sports since he died 4.5 years ago. I would watch football with him and we would talk about baseball. We went to the Red Sox ring ceremony on Opening Day 2005. He took me to a Patriots game, and it was by far the most I have ever enjoyed football.

My least favorite football play is when the QB hands off the ball and the guy runs INTO the tight pack of people. Most of the time, they just get stopped. It infuriated me.

On Sunday, I went to a Red Sox game for the first time in a long time. It was fun, and it brought back so many memories of being there with him.

Last night, I was watching a show on the DVR and when it was over, the football game on was. As chance would have it, the Patriots had the ball, and what play did they run? Brady handed off the ball and whoever he handed it to ran straight through the middle of the pack and made it through. I'm pretty sure they got a first down on the play. It felt like he was there. So I watched the rest of the game and it just felt good.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss him. There are good days and bad days. Yesterday was a good one. I love it when I can feel his presence. Who knows, maybe I'll start watching sports more often (probably not.)
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