I got a new phone!!!! David has our old phone # and he got me a new PINK RAZOR! Whooo hoooo! I love my man!
I been updating both my
Bellydance and
regular myspace- not much... just some new pic.s and such.
I've been playing in photoshop all day! I've wasted the day away!
I love editing pictures...
^---This one looks like i'm wrapped in plastic! I couldn't resist!!!--^
Same picture, only carved in stone!!! One day.......
I like this shot because you can see the detail in my top... These are the first pic's of my new costume so I wanted to have at least one that really looks closely at it.
And just for kicks- because I really like this one...
Okay... so now you've looked. You should now refer to the "leave a comment" button to express your opinions...
Unless you think they suck.
In which case you should keep your comments to yourself, butt-face! Tee hee...
Anyway, so I got the temporary crowns put on my teeth yesterday. It hurt. I had to go through the same shoots AGAIN and they had to drill into my gum!!! Definatelly the worst shot is in the roof of my mouth.
I did so much better this time, though! I vocalized my pain but didn't cry this time!
Want to know something that's embarrassing, though? Aparentlly my 'vocalization' sounds like sex! Yep... I heard the lady in the room next to mine right after I was done with all my shots tell the dentist "Sounds like she's having fun- I don't think I've ever heard anyone moan like that in a dentist's chair!".
David confirmed it when I got home- he said he didn't want to say anything before... How utterly mortifying!
But I'm not nearly as sore now as I was. A little more time and i think things will be allright. Ugh... I hate dental work...
My mom went with me this time and she liked the dentist as much as I did! (And she bought me a fruit smoothie!!!)
Okay- I really have to get up and do something...