For starters I was not on the train today. For those of you who haven't heard this
News Story describes how one of the two trains I regularly take home from work hit a car which had driven around the guard rails and onto the tracks. It is likely a suicide, but we'll have to wait till the investigation ends to really know.
It has been a heck of a day:
I started out this morning around 5. I was awake... and I have no idea why. I got back to sleep around 6:30. I haven't slept much this week, hopefully I can relax a little this weekend and reverse that trend. I got in a fight with my fiance (aka krazeecat) this morning. It was mostly just us both being tired and cranky. Of course it seems like more than that while its happening. By the time I was showered and ready for work I was pretty miserable.
I decided to check on my server to see why I hadn't been able to connect to it the night before... It didn't seem to be on the network so I fiddled with the ethernet plug a little. It often comes loose, especially if you touch the router (ask spaz, he'll remember this particular problem). I had plugged in my desktop (which is normally on wireless) in order to reinstall Windows and Linux. I kinda hosed my install last weekend by trying to install Ubuntu (a Linux distro). It should have been totally safe to install, but apparently its wasn't. Anyway, the server still wasn't working, so I rebooted. When old sparcy came back on it was making a loud clicking sound. I went "Oh crap" and reached for the off switch. I took the case off and flicked the thing back on, hoping it wasn't what I knew it was. Sure enough it was the hard drive clicking. This is usually a sign that all of your data has been destroyed and your in the market for a new box. I certainly wasn't going to solve it before work. The prospect of loosing all of the data on that machine (most of which was backed up but still...) had not improved my mood at all.
I decided to drive to work. Not really sure why... I had already driven once this week (my normal max) but I just felt like I aught to drive. So I did. Guess that worked out pretty well since I probably would have been on the train mentioned above otherwise. And even if I had grabbed a later one I wouldn't have gotten home until about now. They close all the tracks when there is a fatality.
I went to work and was pretty much not productive. Everyone was gossiping all day, we just lost our VP and that means pretty uncertain times ahead.
I had lunch with fat eagle's ex (the wooden sword wielding one, again ask spaz). That was nice, I hadn't seen her in some time. I turns out she's working down my way at least a couple of days a week. She's cleaning fish tanks, and making really good money doing it. She's about to graduate, all seems to be going well except for the limp she has.
Back at work, my boss came by and told me I wouldn't be going to the class we had talked about next week. It was training with a company called SQE. Basically this was the week they where going to be in San Diego, but my bosses boss said that he'd pop to send me where ever for the training as long as it wasn't happening next week. If I'm really lucky I'll get to go back east some where. More likely I'll end up going to San Fransico. Not my first choice but at least its travel =-). Man its been so long since I posted to this thing I almost forgot not to use proper names.
Anyhow krazecat came by and I snuck off for green tea. We talked things out and all so no worries there. She's up with her family this weekend so I have the county to my self. I really should get around to making some friends around here. Eh put it on the todo list, at the bottom; I already have really great friends I don't keep up with well enough. I stayed at work till 7 to let traffic clear and to make up for slipping out for and extra half hour (not that anyone really cares as long as I get my job done).
Once I got home I got to work on the server. Miraculously it started up, so I've been backing up furiously every since. I may still take that machine down for a while and who knows if the hard drive will hold out for long. I've already gotten all the stuff that I was worried about so Que Sera, Sera.
I was watching TV when I saw the news blurb about the train. I waited around after Numbers (hey I get 4 channels and one of them was having pledge week again) an caught the story. I totally shouldn't have done that I hate broadcast news. I think the average news cast should be taken out back and shot. And I don't even have a back to take them out to. First of all, they played back cell phone recordings they had with passengers on the train. Conversations like "there was a noise then we stopped. We've been stuck here a really long time... I don't know how long, but long. I didn't really see anything". My thoughts - SO! That is not news. News is about information. Like which train was it. They have numbers for a reason you know. They never did say. They then had a little segway with the news casters talking about how sad it was and how it reminded them of the Metrolink suicide earlier this year, back in February. The accident in question happened in January. I know they have the same four letter ending and all, but I was able to find the exact date in a minuet with google. Your telling me a trained news staff couldn't dig that fact up? And since it reminded them of that earlier tragedy, this was definitely a suicide too. As if I really care what these morons' opinions. Now we go live to a (humorously enough Asian) reporter standing around in downtown SD. She's coming to you live from the Amtrak station there where she has absolutely NO INFO. I'm pretty sure she knew there had been an accident, but you couldn't tell that from the interviews she had gotten earlier. Just more people who hadn't seen anything. And there all pre-recorded, since there isn't a single soul around to talk to now. She thought that it was really wrong of someone to put 100 or more people at risk. Ok thats nice. She was there when the train came in... they showed footage of it. The train had at least 300 people on it (if you count the conductors, who get off since SD is the last stop). And I have to tell you thats a light load for a Friday. Let me guess she and the camera crew tried to count and ran out of fingers and toes to count with right? Again, excellent research, the number of passengers was in the press release. You can put your shoes back on now. Now back to the scene of the wreck, where we can see the banged up car and watch... a train go by on the tracks while yet another reporter tells us his opinion. At this point I got tired of yelling at the TV and flipped it over to watch PBS beg for money. Sorry I get like that when I watch the news. Its the same reason I don't listen to KNX anymore. I love the old radio broadcasts, but if I happen to catch a few minutes of reporting before or I'm wound up for the whole night.
And for the record I had a bagel-melt for dinner. Bagel + Mozzarella + Turkey + Spinach (I'm out of lettuce ok) = Bagel-melt. Most of you won't care about this at all but I had two people independently get after me about remembering to eat to day so now they can rest at ease. I'd also like to point out the spell checking in OS X is freaking sweet. Its part of the default text widget so you get it in almost any text box in the program. It just shows up as little red dotted lines and if you right click (or ctrl-click) it gives you the options to fix it. It even got the way I had spelled Mozzarella (I'd put a t in it among other things, I'm not telling where). Ok thats enough for me (it was tempting to say "to make a long story short" ;-).