Life update #271

Jul 29, 2007 21:52

I haven't posted actual posts with writing content for a while.

I did eventually recover from my stomach virus/flu. I went to the doctor's on the Thursday, I think 12th for a check of it and we confirmed that it was a stomach virus and that I didn't burn a hole in my stomach from consuming two types of pills(Tylenol flu and prescription painkillers) at the same time.

I also had my midterms, while I was genuinely afraid that I was going to fail because hell it's natural that I slack and end up studying really late. Since I need a C+ or higher average in any semester I attend if I plan on staying in my program because my program is so keen on keeping its standards high. Which is why I was really frustrated when they couldn't hand them back in time for the final drop date without academic penalty. Turns out I got a 75(B...+?) in Philosophy and 86(A) in Microeconomics; good stuff.

So now I only have two classes left for summer school before exams. Speaking of exams, let me bitch about it for a moment. Both exams are 7pm-10pm. 10pm. 10pm. I like taking the full time to write my exams but knowing it would end this late is going to make me automatically rush and get out. It takes me around 45 minutes to bus home and buses come every :15 or :45. So all this translates to that I don't get home until 11pm. Freaking, I hate staying out late. But whatever, two classes left to endure.

I was speaking with two people in my Philosophy class last class and they told me that because of this class, they are thinking of switching their majors out of Philosophy. Oh, the power of a boring class.

I've also been cooking a lot lately. Baked a lot of cakes. I've made around 3 opera cakes now and the first one was way too hard, since I didn't beat the eggs long enough. The second one was okay, but the butter coffee cream made it really hard to eat because you can't eat a lot of it or else you'd throw up from the fullness you feel from the cream. So the third one I only made a little cream to go on the top and used semi sweet chocolate cream(semi sweet chocolate + light cream for coffee) for the insides instead. Let me tell you how much easier it is to eat the cake now that you don't get owned by the coffee butter. I also tried molten cake today but the cakes were baked for too long and the only molten part was the bottom of the cake and it was very little. The rest of it was kind of like a brownie. It was good never the less and I only made 2 muffin slots worth (mind you measuring the ingredients was hard as hell because let's face it, 1/16 cups of flour is like LOL.) I also made these Japanese candies but didn't manage to eat them all because they were too sweet for me and I couldn't eat more than 1 a day and there were about nearly 20 of them even though I used half the portion of ingredients as the recipe.

I've also been making my own lunches rather than eating either instant noodles or Stouffers microwavable spaghetti. I've made Oyako-don, Bimbimbap and editions of them to fit my own tastes. I made Japanese curry today and mind you, if you ever make Japanese rice, make sure you actually soak the rice for an hour before cooking and don't skimp like me and do it for half an hour. The result was harder than usual rice. Good thing though that the curry made it soft again so I guess it is okay if you are going to have sauce for your rice. I did make Onigiri too but the rice preparation is even longer and I've been too lazy to make it again. Now, what should I have for lunch tomorrow?

If anyone hasn't noticed already, I have been very much into Gintama lately. I believe it is a wonderfully great series with a good balance of humour and seriousness. Mostly humour, but the serious parts are done well too. I've read around a few comments where people thought while the characters are well done(which I agree with) the plot was a bit stale and what I have to say is to hell with them. I'm sure it's not super-fantastically great but it certainly is better than a certain series that I know.

And also if anyone hasn't noticed, my favourite character in Gintama is its main character, Sakata Gintoki. Rarely do I like the main character of the series but Gintoki fits the type of characters that I like. He isn't the conventional main character either; lazy bastard, non-motivated, his feet smell (according to Kagura) and did I mention he's a lazy bastard? Of course, he has his good qualities: deeply cares for his friends and will do anything to protect them. In a way, he is highly dependable if the cause he sees as a valuable one, he does possess good judgement.

So most of my drawing has been centered around him and it really really pushes me to do fanart. I've always been one that really doesn't like doing fanart since I never draw the character to how I imagine them to be. But I really pushed myself to try to "master" or at least draw Gintoki properly. If I look at the older drawings of him by me, it doesn't really fit his character much. It also trains me to be able to draw the same character over and over again and actually look alike, but still working on this one though. Got the feel down though, I think. Now I need to do the other characters in Gintama because I want to challenge myself and do an actual manga story. Yes doujinshi, it will be a generic one. I have a basic idea of what I want to focus on but I need to actually write out the plot.

I am going to attempt to preorder Gintama Boku no Kabukichou Nikki for the PS2 on Playasia so I can get the bonus Arienai voice CD. But I'm skeptical that I would get it since Playasia doesn't accept echecks for preorders(I'm guessing, or they don't accept it at all which would be weird) and I don't want to ask my sister again for her to use her credit card. Either way, I do want the game because it looks really interesting and the whole game is voiced. I've grown to really like the voices in Gintama. Initially, I thought some of the voices didn't fit the character when I first hear them (Like Gintoki and Hijikata. I was expecting something different for the both of them) but I think now if I hear them done by different people it wouldn't be the same. Initially I wasn't sure if I want to get the game because it costs so much but then I started spending a lot and was like "The hell with this, I got a tax return anyways."

I also want to order the two 3Z novels but the only place I can find to get them relatively cheaply is Yesasia and...Ships within 21 days? Give me a freaking break. I don't want to order from Amazon JP either because the shipping fee is like a lot more than the books together. The only good thing about Yesasia is the free shipping or relatively low shipping fees.

And now this post has gotten really long randomly, which is funny because I was telling souya yesterday that I can't seem to blog properly and write posts with actual content. I guess you can do anything when you put your head to it. This post is extra long too because it has the image at the beginning. I've been thinking of posting like a p-diary where (almost) each post has a picture accompanying it. I hope 500x500 isn't too large for people. Anyways I've talked enough, byeeeeee.

life, art

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