Mar 04, 2005 23:35
Number one, thank goodness for Spring Break finally getting here!! I really needed some time off of school. So a pretty good week... kinda stressful after my car started making noises and papers and quizzes this week for mid-terms, but I pulled through-partly cause I vented on the phone a lot. See, I knew I wasnt going anywhere tropical or exotic for break, so I got this great idea for me to create a little Spring Break of my own... with Tequila! Lol, it was ok, but I really dont remember anything past abuot 2 1/2 inches left in the bottle, haha. Some funny things happened, I'm sure. So I wasnt really feeling up to par all day today either, but I guess I deserve that. But I did go to my class and get 14 out of 15 on my quiz, and I didnt even do all of the reading! Man, do I rock...
But so today, I pretty much sat around the rest of the day and watched TV amd movies, and then went out to eat with Ashlee, Chris and Kevin (Chris' friend who he brought up with him cause they came up last night.) Spence is gone, and Leah left yesterday, so everyone is slowly dispersing. We were gonna go sledding, but didnt get around to it. I'm going home tomorrow and hanging around Hemlock til Tuesday, and then going to Harbor Beach, so I really wont be around all that often. I wanted to go to a hockey game at Western tomorrow, but my stupid car is so stupid. Stupid. My bro's gonna check that out for me tomorrow too. :) So here are some funny quotes for ya:
*You know you've taken too many Tequila shots when: You start licking your hand praying that there is one spec of salt left...
*Cheese Nips are awesome, just truly awesome.
*The basketball players hit Spence's car.
*"You might as well just finish the bottle..."
*"Dude, relish makes the dog."
*"This is the one time I actually feel sorry for Chris."
*"I don't know... ask Pedro."
*Make-out point