*This was in my inbox today*

Mar 06, 2008 17:23

Dear Mr. Caster,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your email concerning the recent
Polaroid Industry news. Thank you for contacting FUJIFILM, USA's
Helpdesk Center and giving us this opportunity to assist you further.

Please be advised that FUJIFILM is aware that Polaroid will be
discontinuing their instant film products at some point this year. We
have no plans to take over or continue the production of Polaroid
instant film products, however, we will continue the production of our
Fujifilm brand instant film products. For more information on our
instant film products, please go to www.fujifilmusa.com, and visit the
Professional Film page.

We sincerely hope this information has been helpful. If you should have
any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us
in the future. It would be our pleasure to assist you again.

Thank you for your interest in Fujifilm products and services.


Terrance, Imaging Support Team
Contact Center

-----Original Message-----
From: by way of FUJIFILM
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 5:37 AM
To: Fujifilm, ContactFuji
Subject: [Contact Us]

Location : Global

Full Name : Cliff Caster
Company Name : (empty)
Street Address : po box 1661
City : mckinney
State : texas
Zip / Postal Code : 75070
Country / Area : usa
Phone : (empty)
Facsimile : (empty)
E-mail : umbrella_madman@yahoo.com

Inquiry :
With the recent news about Polaroid closing their warehouses and
discontinueing the manufacture of their instant film, i feel that it is
the close of an era. the polaroid name revolutionized photography and,
in doing so, became a cultural phenomenon. for a company to ignore it's
responsibility to continue this tradition is very dishonorable, and very
sad. but, this is where other companies have the opportunity to take up
the reigns and conquer this world of digital avalanches. i understand
your company makes another kind of film that has long been discontinued
by the polaroid company, and that is the reason that i think your
company would be perfect to pick up the slack where polaroid has let
their responsibilities faulter. please consider to start manufacturing
this product that will continue a favorite american passtime, and the
world as well. Thank you.

*i was drunk when i sent this e-mail*
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