Rant. I'm usually not this mean.

Sep 10, 2008 20:09

Rant about classes.

I don't know why (or I do know why) a lot of people are getting on my nerves in class.

Printmaking class. The chubby young blonde that responds to questions or statements with "Oh Fer Sure".

Girl in class: "I need to go buy more ink"
Chubby YB: "Oh Fer sure".

Instructor: "Make sure you put your names on your assignment"
Chubby YB: "Oh Fer sure"

Girl in class: "God, I hate Sarah Palin"
Chubby YB: "Oh Fer sure"

Girl in class: "Do you need some more water for your ink?"
Chubby YB: "Oh Fer sure"

I feel like an asshole because he's really nice. But today, hearing the statement "Oh Fer Sure" 46 times (I TALLIED. This was in the course of 3 hours) drove me insane.

Then there's Digital Media 2, everyone is pretty rad in this class. Except for one guy who unfortunately, has the same exact name as my boyfriend, who is not annoying. So let's call this one: Annoying guy. Annoying guy has everything to say about everything and everyone.
Critiques today went like so:

Teacher: "Any comments on Stephen's project?"
Annoying guy: "Yeah, I don't like how the rectangle is transparent".

Teacher: "Any comments on Trevor's project?"
Annoying guy: "Yeah I don't like how the satellite is transparent".

Teacher: "Any comments on David's project?"
Annoying guy: "Yeah, I don't like how the field is transparent".

And then he always continues to try to one up the instructor, and that's so incredibly annoying as well.Do you see how he got his name "ANNOYING GUY??"

I need some tea.
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