Aug 09, 2012 02:15
okayy... so it didn't last all year. (see previous post)
It's not like I hate it or anything, I'm just not in-love with it anymore right now. I think freelancing and maybe trying out to write stuff would be far better for me personally, but I just have to stick with what I have for now, because I need it.
I really really want to try being an author though... maybe.
ugh, I don't know anymore. It seems like I'm just trying everything and failing, and I probably got that trait from my dad. This is why I'm not a feminist at all. I like my womanly place in the traditional home. It's safe, routine, and I probably won't get stressed until (or if) I have kids. I don't even care to vote. Women might be oppressed for being secluded from the rights that should be equally for men and women, but I think that people should get to choose to follow them or not. I mean, straight guys should get to wear bikinis if they wanted to without being laughed at, as girls can run for national artist, but only if they want to right?
I was clearly born in the wrong century though. I don't mind being laughed at as long as I'm secure, and I hate working hard. I'd rather work at home where it's safe and there's nobody else to judge you except those people you live with.
Sometimes I think maybe I should've not thought about romance at all, but well, the world has its romances. I couldn't understand it back then, but now I kind of do, what my mom used to tell me. I don't think she's right that I shouldn't care who the schmuck is as long as I'm secure, but she's probably right in saying make sure you have the same ideals and goals... and I hope we do because I hate being me right now, and I'm banking on the future.