my new disdain for most females

Sep 12, 2006 01:25

Seriously... stop being lame...

I'm not ripped, and guess what? i dont care

i'm not some suave meat head, i'm awkward, and you know what? i dont care

i'm a quirky dude...

i feel like i waste my time if i get any more than 6 hours of sleep per night

i have this irrational fear of running out of toilet paper

i have a lot of irrational fears, like my fear that i have too many irrational fears and maybe that makes me weird, but fuck you, your weird too

i'm furious right now

Seriously, i'm really fucking awesome

why can't you females see that?

oh wait... you can see that, but you don't actually care about good guys... you say it, but do you mean it? oh no, no you don't

dont think i mean that only girls are bad, i mean that girls at catawba are bad, the guys are too, but it seems that they have girlfriends... why is that? i dont fucking know

but i'm sick of it

seriously, ive tried just about every approach i can think of, but does anything work? of course not...


i'm furious at your gender you damn females

I could go listen to some furious music... but the only angry music i own is fionna apple... and that completely defeats the purpose...

maybe i'll try ben folds... yeah ben folds will do for now... or wait... i'll just go listen to Abbey Road... that album always makes me feel better... wait... i'll have to skip something though...
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