Jun 30, 2006 12:44
Oh summerfest... how i have missed you...
I went to the first day of summerfest last night, it was basically awesome. I saw Elvis Costello and the Imposters, the BoDeans, Keane, and many other amazing bands, oh i saw a few minutes of Blue Oyster Cult, and Common as well...
I re-fell in love with Keane. Basically they are way better live, they are really fucking good... It was quite possibly the most intense piano rock show i have ever seen, the main keyboardest was so fucking into it! it was incredible.
Saw this really shitty band, and they were Incredibad... meaning incredibly bad if your a moron...
The fire works were so intense, and i seriously thought at one point that craig and i were going to be blown backwards from how close we were to them, it was intense, and blindingly beautiful...
Things are going here... i guess... I saw a bunch of people at summerfest that i didn't really want to see i guess, and a few that i was really excited to see. like this girl i haven't seen since like 6th grade, but it was a really akward conversation, cuz it was one of those where it was like 'hey, do you remember me?" and i was like " i think i do... HOLY SHIT!!!!!!" and then it ended with "um... well... it was really good to see you!!! enjoy the show!!!" and was just full of akward me not wanting to be associated with my old life, my pathetic childhood, oh how i avoid thee childhood...
oh man... mother fucking conventry jones you basterd... hahaha, for those of you not from wisconsin, coventry jones is this kind of not great folk singer who is always at this tiny little stage, it isn't really even a stage, its like a really shitty fake shack kind of thing that is somewhat like a stage, and he is there every single day, all day long... and he is always playing the same shit, and no one knows why we sit and listen to him... but we do... and its alright