Summer of 2010

Oct 07, 2010 11:45

I'm tired most of the time, worried about work all the time, and now I'm actually exercising some of the time.  I broke down and got a gym membership at a gym that happens to sit right in between my office and my apartment in Alexandria.  No excuses for not going.  But I was thinking of my beloved Kelly a lot last night as I took my first yoga class at the gym.  I was certainly the most fat, inflexible, unbalanced person in the room, but I tell ya I *did* do my breathing, did *not* hurt myself, and I got through the whole class!  My goals now will be situated somewhere between the beautiful bending tree that was our instructor and the cream puff blob I am today.  progress will be made.  Damnit.

I also got to attend a dinner and conference for the Women In Defense professional association this week!  It was amazing!  One of the panels had 2 Admirals and one TWO star General...that were women!!  There are apparently only about 30 Generals in our US Army and about the same number of Admirals... and we got three of them to come talk to us about how to be amazing!  It was very inspiring.

I also got to see my beloved old boss Tamera!  She's the one that believed in me and moved me from Indy out here to DC five years ago.  It was so damn awesome to see her again.  Very heartwarming and inspiring.  Reminded me that the jerks I see every day that make me feel like I'm useless and worthless are just jerks and it's my job to just not buy into the message.  What's that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt?   "No one can make you feel bad about yourself without your permission."  Was it ER?  If anyone wants to correct me, there's a comment box at the bottom of this post.

AW, my job with APAN continues, my love for The Sustainability Community of Interest continues although I don't get to do billable work for them anymore, and my year of wedding planning has taken off like a rocket.

Wish me luck.

catching up, a day in the life

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