Ahhh! Finally mid sem break! It's only been nearly 3 months since college opened but I'm already tired! Thank goodness for mid-sem break! Yay!
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I LOVE WATCHING SEUNGHO/SOYEON! They're so cute! klafjakgfajkghajkgad'hlkhdhkds'lhkdk;l!
I hate when I get obsessed with something. I get really obsessed. haha I blame youtube! It ruins my life. XD
I miss Battle. I'm watching all their old videos and I realise how sad it is that they don't have a proper subbing team. I miss seeing Chris messing around with his hyungs, Taehwa playing around with Hwichan and Lio acting all bad ass but can be such a vain pot at times.
I dunno why I miss Battle more than I miss Shinhwa. It's probably because we do get updates from the Shinhwa boys men (especially Dongwan! I love that guy) but updates from the Battle boys is rare (unless you stalk Korean sites)
gah! enough of being emo. back to watching videos again!