*shiny yellow bow*

Feb 11, 2007 22:51

Title: Battle
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairing: Nathan/Peter (Petrellicest!)
Rating: NC-17 (for angsty bromance and brother fucking)
Summary: Nathan grabs his arm, and he manages to pull away. However, he grabs at it a second time, and this time there's no way out.
Spoilers: Hardcore spoilers for 1x14 "Distractions"
Warning: Did I mention the bromance and brother fucking? Yeah. Also, some cursing, too. Oh and unbeta-ed. So mistakes? I'm the one you scold/punch in the face.
Disclaimer: Obviously, not mine. Dammit! I really want Peter and his emo bangs. *puppy eyes at Heroes PTB*
A/N: All for darling KARLA!!!!!!! HAPPY BROMANTIC B-DAY, SWEETIE. I started this as simply bromanitc 'foreplay', but then angsty, aroused!Peter made it full-scale porn, and yes, I'm a hypocrite. But NO PRANKS (as with Winchesters). Which yay! *hell* Hope you enjoy! *crosses fingers*


"She's your what?"

"Daughter, Peter." He says solemnly, in that tone that suggests no ounce of blame should ever be traced back to him.

How well Peter knows that tone, from his early adolescence especially. Back when Nathan had bailed on birthdays and soccer games all for the purpose of doing whatever.

"Well that's...that's just fucking great. Man, have you literally had sex with the entire populace of New York City or only a gracious half? Jesus, Nathan."

He makes his way over to the apartment's door, his fingers shaking and his heart pounding like it might explode. God.

"Peter..." Nathan says, more annoyance than anything apparent in his rising voice.

Nathan grabs his arm, and he manages to pull away. However, he grabs at it a second time, and this time there's no way out.

"Peter..." he repeats softly.

Peter feels a pang of sensation in his stomach, his eyes wary and careful not to look into the devil's trap that is Nathan's intent gaze on him.

Again, Nathan resorts to force, turning Peter around to face him and intently grabbing his focus with his gaze.

He gives him the look. The ones that makes Peter's body shiver and sweat, his eyes wide open, as he lies in bed at night and the image dances hauntingly around in his head.

"Peter you know it was before..." Nathan leaves the sentiment for the grandeur of placing his face painfully near Peter's, now multi-tasking keeping eyes locked on Peter's shifting eyes and his slightly open mouth.

"I'd never intentionally do that to you." He softly lies.

He makes his lips almost pieces of art as he lets the politically-inspired, magic words litter the air.

Nathan sweetly kisses Peter's forehead and then goes in for the clincher, pressing his lips against Peter's and abandoning his grip on his arm in order to instead secure it about his waist.

After all, he doesn't need the confinement now. He's won. Like he always has.

Peter keeps telling himself not to give back; it can go nowhere if he doesn't give back. Resistance is all he's got.

However, as Nathan's smooth lips clench his own, already captured due to their opened status before, and Nathan's wet, hot tongue clashes against his mouth, he can't help feel his loins shiver and his penis begin to rise a bit against his jeans.

It's over. Nathan doesn't have to say anything else.

Peter doesn't pull away when Nathan begins to undresses him and brings his now huge erection into the reality of the faint light that streaks through the blinds of the blue-grey room.

Nathan strokes his fingers across it lightly, looking on Peter all the while, no remorse it his gaze as he does so. Jesus.

Peter feels his mind might fail due to all the sensations, many nausea and its related feelings, many not, that go through him.

It only get worse as Nathan takes off his suit jacket and tie.

He presses against Peter, his way of demanding Peter to undress him, get all the more close to fucking himself over. Both literally and figuratively.

Peter feels only strings away from being a puppet, as he unbuttons gently the crisp lavender shirt against Nathan's skin and slides his fingers against the firmness and warmth of it.

Nathan smiles. The smile that almost makes Peter moan right then and there.

Suddenly, they both focus on getting Nathan's black pants undone, and Nathan begins to forcefully take from Peter's mouth. His long fingers going through Peter's long, black bangs.

They move to the unmade bed. And in a way that is almost combative, they position themselves for sex, rolling about.

Naturally, Nathan's on top, holding Peter down with his weight and skin and the heated look in his eye.

"Baby..." He whispers through clenched teeth, as he makes his way into Peter.

Peter knows he's probably said that in the exact same tone to every girl, and possibly other guy, he's had between his black sheet and glistening skin. It's a clique.

But it doesn't stop Peter from grunting and hungrily taking from Nathan's mouth. His eyes closed and his submission's complete. He's lost; it's decided.

He moans into Nathan's mouth and then, not by purpose so much, but inevitably, he seems to give a look of sensuous pleasure-fulfillment, given the way Nathan looks at him. As if, he might pleadingly moan himself.

Peter thinks maybe he's not as defeated as he thought. Perhaps in a new way, he's got some headway.

The rest of it's what's to be expected: sweat and moans and clashing of flesh and hands and hair.

Then it's over, and, as with any end, it's unsettling and bizarre.

Peter lies back and tries not to look into his brother's face.

Nathan takes a cigarette from his nearby pants and lies back himself. He takes in the cigarette with a slightly contemplative look on his face (Peter breaks his resolution and searches his face), but even more than that, a numbness.

After the light that made it's way in has almost completely faded to a dark blue and Peter is almost made fully a product of his emotions from the silence and way Nathan's ultimate little lesson has burned itself into his brain, Nathan gets up and begins to collect his clothes and dresses himself.

Finally, Peter breaks the silences, as Nathan buckles his belt.

"But she's a good kid, you know?"

"Yeah. I've met her."

"Just promise me....you won't hurt her, okay?"

"I'll try not to." Nathan states lowly, maybe sincerely. Probably not.

Peter looks down and can feel Nathan looking on him, unsaid sentiment lingering in the way the glance feels on him.

Then, without even a "goodbye", Nathan grabs his jacket and leaves. As the door closes firmly, Peter closes his eyes tight and feels rushing tears begin to well up in them.

Fin. Petrellicest angst

Personal note to Peter:Awww, Peter, I'm sorry for making you highly fucked up and making you fuck your brother and then cry. *cuddles* Sincerely, Beth

peterillicest, karla, fic, speacil hell

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