Act 2 亜美 SAILORMERCURY, part 1/2

Jul 04, 2008 16:32

This record goes through each panel of every page, and logs all variances between the originals and re-releases. Major changes are highlighted in orange, and include images that have been fully redrawn, not just cleaned up, and any changes to the dialogue, from added particles to changed attack phrases. All changes use the original releases as points of reference, so you don't need to own the re-releases in order to understand what exactly was changed.

Links to images, where included, direct to Manga Style, Sailor Dream, and The Oracle, all excellent sources when it comes to the manga art and re-releases.

Important note: Japanese text support is needed to view changes to the dialogue; translations and furigana are not provided as of this point in time.


(This entry references an unknown run of the original first volume, and an (at least) 2nd run edition of the re-release Volume 1. Any changes made between the first and second runs of the re-release will be missed unless pointed out by an outside source.)

- Black and white comic starts on page 49 in new edition (table of contents reveals page 48, the title page, as the start of the act); in the old version this was on page 43
- For reference sake, the page I am referring to shows Queen Beryl and Jadeite
- both new and old versions have this page on the left side
- The reference page numbers here on out will be lead by the old edition, followed by the new edition in brackets, ex. p. 3 (9)



p. 42 (48)
- title page remains the same, save for the font used to type the act title and swapping the new PGSM logo for the old BSSM logo [image]
- also, the logo is now at the bottom of the page vs. the top, and vice versa for the title (does anyone care, really?)

p. 43 (49)
- Panel 1 "ヒョううう" sound effect moved up, rewritten cleaner / a bit smaller
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * "...ぼうっ" sound effect rewritten in katakana ("ボうッ" although the "う" looks more like "ラ" and this was also the case in Panel 1), moved to right side of orb
     * screentone inside orb lightened, shine on surface (removal of screentone in dots) removed
     * light screentone added on bottom of panel, overlapping orb base (gradient fades out going up)
- Panel 3 changes:
     * Beryl's hair inked (see p. 79 (85) for style reference)
     * Beryl redrawn, but keeps same pose (really, more like a cleaned up, slightly altered image); changes include dress, neck, nose, arms in tighter, removal of drops from upper necklace, complete removal of lower necklace
     * light screentone added near bottom of panel (gradient fades out going up)
     * screentone removed from lips, shine (removal of screentone) added to earrings
     * tail added to "見つからぬのか" speech bubble, tail of rightmost speech bubble moved left
- Panel 4
     * removal of points of light in background
     * "---" removed from "---はい" speech bubble
     * tail added to "申しわけ" speech bubble

p. 44 (50)
- Panel 1 dark spots of screentone added (over top existing screentone); grainy screentone added to top of panel (gradient fades out going down)
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * grainy screentone added to bottom of panel (gradient fades out going up)
     * Jadeite line art slightly altered (ears; edges of hair less wispy; inked in shadow added behind hand, on wrist)
- Panel 4 grainy screentone added to bottom of panel (gradient fades out going up)
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * hand-drawn heart inside speech bubble removed, screentone heart added outside and to the left
     * speech bubble redrawn skinnier as a result of above
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, face redrawn in new style; shirt, highlights on skirt, outline of feet and shoe shine altered)
     * tail of bottom speech bubble made longer

p. 45 (51)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * speech bubble no longer covers top of Ikuko's head (tail of speech bubble also moved left)
     * Luna cleaned up (front legs now apart, whiskers no longer overlap text bubble / border, eyelashes added, chin less defined, motion lines added near tail)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * "バリバリッ" sound effect now computer-typed rather than hand-written, now sits just inside top border
     * screentone dots altered (now more lines of them, darker)
     * Luna cleaned up (mouth and teeth completely drawn, more motion lines added to legs)
     * Ikuko line art slightly altered (sleeve, ear, hair)
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * stock brooch added
     * screentone shadows removed from shirt
     * hand-drawn sweatdrop removed from speech bubble, "ママ 何度もいうケド" moved to fit all in one line, text more spaced out in general
     * tail added to right speech bubble (now on hand)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (buns, hair, front collar, sparkle on chest redrawn farther down)
- Panel 4 tweaks:
     * generic bunny head replaces hand-drawn bunny in both the "あたし月野うさぎ" text box, and the "うさぎ's Room" sign
    * small screentone flowers are added in the "あたし月野うさぎ" intro text box (empty space below "シュミは食べること"), and the same flowers replace the ones in the "ちょっと泣きムシな" text box, plus a few more added beside
     * bottom border of panel continues uninterrupted (runs behind sound effect)
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * screentone surprise lines made smaller, no longer break out of border
     * far left part of moulding (behind surprise lines) erased
- Panel 6 Luna cleaned up (no stroke around eyes, whiskers contained within left border)
- Panel 7 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair and shirt drawn in more completely)
     * tiny tail added to "~~~" comment bubble
     * top border of panel continues down, connects with first dot of text border

p. 46 (52)
- Panel 1 changes:
     * text change: from "あたしを監視しようっての ?" to "あたしを監視する気?"
     * sweatdrop in lower speech bubble removed
     * three small dots added in top left corner and bottom left corner of panel (continuation of background); screentone below her right ear flipped vertically
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, shirt, mouth, nose, eyes)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Luna cleaned up (no strokes, shape of face, whiskers no longer overlap Usagi's hair on right side)
     * left speech bubble moved up to overlap paws less (text itself doesn't overlap anything now)
     * tail of speech bubble moved from left to right bubble
     * emphasis lines no longer overlap speech bubbles
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * tiny stars added randomly inside panel
     * Usagi and Sailor Moon line art slightly altered (drawn in more completely, in general)
     * furigana "に" added beside "二" in speech bubble
     * Luna cleaned up (moon reduced, whiskers added)
     * generic bunny replaces hand-drawn bunny
- Panel 4 Usagi line art slightly altered (hair), bottom border now overlaps stripes on collar
- Panel 5 left speech bubble now contained by bottom border

p. 47 (53)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Luna cleaned up (no strokes on face, moon reduced)
     * tail added to left speech bubble
- Panel 3 changes:
     * border now defined (small screentone dot border) and straight on right side (cuts off Luna's left speech bubble)
     * two small screentone sunflowers added to background
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, her right ear, added left earring)
     * speech bubble made larger, now above Usagi's head; comment fit inside (with added "~" flourish before "い"), tail added
- Panel 4 Usagi's face cut-off by bottom of panel
- Panel 5 changes:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, her right hand)
     * motion lines above Usagi's head removed, border continues uninterrupted
     * tail moved left on top rightmost speech bubble; tail added to leftmost speech bubble; all bottom speech bubbles now cut-off by bottom of panel
     * Sailor V's speech bubble ("「るんるん」ヨロシク") removed completely, her hand redrawn closer to her body
- Panel 6 Luna cleaned up (no strokes on face, moon reduced, mouth smaller, no highlights on left side of body, left side of body slimmed down)

p. 48 (54)
- Panel 1 Usagi line art slightly altered (hands, hair)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * "クラウン" signage on building cleaned up (inner stroke on lettering made straighter, characters shorter overall)
     * vertical sign line art cleaned up (outline and crown on top altered); line art of background in general cleaned up and/or slightly altered (especially palm tree/things seen through window)
     * stars and moon in sky redrawn smaller, more perfectly
- Panel 3 sound effects rewritten smaller
- Panel 4 changes:
     * Luna cleaned up (no strokes on face, moon reduced, mouth smaller, whiskers on left no longer faded, no white nose)
     * sound effects rewritten smaller (inside the glow, nearer to Luna's face)
     * glow around Luna now has more defined edge (not so scratchy), screentone darker in general?
     * detail added to background line art ( wires, controls and buttons on machines, Luna's keyboard now drawn in fully)
     * image on monitor changed from static to more closely resemble Panel 5 (same updated image of Ami, random gradient boxes that look like pop-up windows, but still no text)
- Panel 5 changes:
     * cut-out screentone around "ピッ" sound effect changed to a thin stroke (sound effect itself also cleaned up)
     * background remains horizontal lines, but a smooth, computer-generated shine now laid overtop (from left side, rays of shine reach right)
     * text no longer in cut-out boxes; now in much larger, rounded font with thin stroke surrounding text (SEP also now in lower case)
     * text added: "virgo" below  "10 sep"
     * image of Ami redrawn (face remains same structure, but hair now fuller, longer, and flips out at neck; smooth CG gradient added to hair; shoulders drawn in completely; earring removed; collar larger; coloring of skin, eyes, and shirt appear to have been done in watercolors or CG)
     * image of Ami now cropped on right side, no longer goes on until panel border (now surrounded by horizontal line background on all sides)
- Panel 6 tweaks:
     * Luna cleaned up (line art, shape of eyes altered; smaller ears; whisker on right and nose removed)
     * "キラッ" sound effect made smaller, now surrounded by thin stroke (which is surrounded by screentone)
     * Luna and background screentone smoother (cannot see halftone pattern)
     * sparkle (scratched away screentone) smaller, no longer overlaps Luna's face
     * edges of panel straighter, more defined (type and darkness of screentone helps to achieve this, still no actual outline)
- Panel 7 changes:
     * image of Ami now the updated version from Panel 5, zoomed in
     * image continues to bottom of page, not cut-off below nose
     * (white) horizontal line pattern added overtop
     * emphasis lines no longer done by hand, now as lighter, gradient screentone lines

p. 49 (55)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (nose, her left hand, right arm continued and visible below papers, outline of left arm redrawn, highlights on inside of sweater removed (now like a black blob, no visible definition to creases or shirt cuff), highlights on outside of both arms reduced and made thinner)
     * background students drawn in more completely (especially eyes); heart by male student on right removed
- Panel 3 changes:
     * text added: "ねえねえ" in front of "模試の結果見た?" in rightmost speech bubble
     * exam results no longer drawn by hand, redone by computer; now reads from top down instead of right to left; results now overlap "水野亜美!" speech bubble, so that text is moved slightly to the left
     * text on exam results changed from:
          第10回 全国統一 (rest cut off)

1位 水野亜美       900点
         2位 長田ちあき     889点
          第10回 全国統一模擬試験

第一位 水野亜美 500
          第二位 長田幸子 499
          第三位 小宮山徹 497
          第四位 一柳久美 495
          第五位 長谷川勇太490
     * exam results fade near bottom of panel
     * Ami line art slightly altered (glasses)
     * music note in speech bubble (above "ヒューッ" sound effect) now filled in
     * glowing ball screentone added near Ami's face
     * speech bubbles no longer overlap bottom dotted-line border of panel (border now extends across entire width of page, not interrupted by the exam results)
- Panel 4 changes:
     * hand-written comment below panel ("ミス・レインかとおもっちゃったー") removed completely
     * bottom border of panel now filled in completely (uninterrupted by speech bubble)
     * puff of air redrawn smaller, placed lower; tail on speech bubble now occupies original space
     * tail added on right speech bubble
     * screentone added on bag; screentone in background cleaned up (smoother, no mistakes around hair)
     * Usagi lineart slightly altered (ear, eyelashes, hair)
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * tails added to "あら うさぎ" and "ホラ こんど" speech bubbles
     * emphasis lines removed from above "ああ あの" speech bubble
     * character line art slightly altered (Umino's hair redrawn; Yumiko's shirt, neck, and hair redrawn; extra line removed from Naru's bow, bow no longer overlaps right border of panel)

p. 50 (56)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * inked background slightly altered (blacked-out top right corner replaced with more hair; area around rightmost side of face less curved around earring)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, earrings, ears, eyelashes; edge of face brought in more on right side, ear made slightly larger to compensate)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Umino line art altered (face and hair almost completely redrawn, with exception of hair by tail of speech bubble, and even that no longer overlaps the bubble; collar on shirt redrawn, folded arm in bottom right corner of panel removed, buttons moved left to make body face the reader)
     * Naru and Yumiko line art altered (Naru: bottom of shirt; stripes on collar more curved; collarbone lines added; Yumiko: her right hand now hidden behind sleeve so it appears less huge; cuff of her right hand sleeve reduced, left hand sleeve drawn in full, complete with creases by cuff; her left hand redrawn; area below right hand filled in to become skirt)
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * top dotted-line border no longer overlaps speech bubbles
     * Yumiko line art cleaned up (stray hair on top of head removed, left top edge of collar filled in)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (bangs, hair by rightmost eyelashes)
- Panel 5 changes:
     * hand-written comment below panel ("べんきょーしなさい(っ) いと12" - but that "っ" in brackets may just be a comma) removed completely
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hand drawn in more completely)
- Panel 6 changes:
     * Ikuko line art altered (hair, apron, and her right arm drawn in more completely and continued further down)
     * Ikuko's speech bubble redrawn; tail added; hand-drawn star removed
     * Ikuko's comments ("うさぎもジュクへいきなさい~~いっ") no longer hand-written, now in computer font, with kanji and furigana for "塾" (ジュク) written in hiragana (now: "うさぎも塾へいきなさい~~い!")
     * text added: "ママ" in front of "さいきん うるさいしなー"
     * "トボトボ" sound effect rewritten smaller
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, her right arm)
- Panel 7 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (outline of chin made thinner; small inked shadow added to neck)
     * background drawn in more completely (city skyline extends further left behind Luna, more foliage added around "あれは" text and by Luna's hind leg)
     * Luna cleaned up (line art altered where hind leg meets torso; stroke removed around eyes and front paws; white nose removed)
     * tail of "きゃっ" speech bubble moved left, outline of bubble redrawn to not block shoulder
     * close-up of Ami slightly altered (left edge of arm now straight down)
     * back view of Ami slightly altered (hair on left side cleaned up; shine on hair reduced; her right arm drawn in more completely; shoulder line now goes straight across - collar and edges don't stick up)
     * motion lines added around Ami's head ( under Luna)

p. 51 (57)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * screentone surprise lines added around big "え" in top right
     * tail added to Ami's lower speech bubble
     * Ami line art slightly altered (highlights and creases on shirt reduced, especially on left arm and under collar; arm under lower speech bubble moved in; right hand and wrist drawn in more completely)
     * close-up of Luna's face redrawn (all features smaller, no strokes)
     * side view of Luna cleaned up (face and ears redrawn slightly smaller; strokes and white nose removed)
     * Luna's hand-drawn comment bubble redrawn smaller
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (ears, hand, outline of face; screentone removed from her left ear)
     * two small silhouettes of cats, with the word "cat" in English between them, added in space below  Usagi's right ear
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Luna's cleaned up (no strokes, moon evened out, body continued below hand on left)
     * second hand added below speech bubble, covers black blob that was formerly thought to be Luna's body
     * Luna's ear, whiskers, and Ami's left hand now cut-off and contained within left border of panel
     * tail on speech bubble made larger, moved on top of right hand
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on right side of hair removed; highlights and creases on sweater reduced; her right hand sleeve redrawn a lot less bulky; collar bone lines added; ear and hand slightly altered; top of hair no longer covered by screentone dot)
     * Luna line art slightly altered (even stroke added around front paws; tail to the upper left removed but lower tail left intact and extends further)
     * text added: now "あれれ なんか" instead of "....なんか"
- Panel 4 tweaks:
     * Luna line art slightly altered (face redrawn; no strokes on face or neck; body continued below hand on left; ear cut-off and contained within top border)
     * pinky added on hand, line art cleaned up
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * "トンッ" sound effect rewritten smaller, no longer goes into Panel 2
     * Luna's cleaned up (face, hind leg)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (bottom of skirt, hair, shirt, hands)
     * small hand-drawn star by Luna removed
- Panel 6 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, left side of face by Luna, neck)
     * Luna cleaned up (eyes; ears; front paws smaller; tail and lower body inked)
- Panel 7 changes:
     * text removed: "あ" in tiny conjoined speech bubble gone (large bubble now on own)
     * tail added to large speech bubble; crying lines removed from inside bubble
     * gray background screentone with hand-drawn feathers removed; now white, with grey screentone feathers
     * border around panel now uninterrupted; white spots removed
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; screentone on neck removed in favor of slight ink shadows; cleavage line removed; neck and ear line art altered)
- Panel 8 changes:
     * Usagi line art altered (shape of chin; lips moved up and no longer frowning)
     * Ami line art slightly altered (highlights and creases on sweater reduced; her right hand sleeve drawn in and inked more completely; collar continued farther on her right side)
     * "はっ" sound effect removed from right side, rewritten smaller above "かあっ" sound effect, which is also rewritten smaller as to not block Ami's shoulder

p. 52 (58)
- Panel 1 Usagi line art slightly altered (outline of face thinner; mouth redrawn; hair cleaned up)
- Panel 2 Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; eyes redrawn larger; ear line art altered)
- Panel 4 Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, ears; stripes added to collar)
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * Luna's hind legs redrawn shorter, tail no longer overlaps speech bubble
     * star (and line) redrawn smaller (and shorter)
     * "だっ" sound effect rewritten as "たっ" and now smaller, contained within panel border
- Panel 6 tweaks:
     * "クラウン" signage on building cleaned up (inner stroke on lettering made straighter, characters shorter overall)
     * vertical sign line art cleaned up (outline altered; small star added on top of crown); line art of background in general cleaned up and/or slightly altered (now nothing seen through window, certain lines erased and some added)
     * surprise lines by Usagi's head moved left, lines now thinner
- Panel 7 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, ear, her left hand and sleeve, her right hand sleeve; screentone added to briefcase below her left hand)
     * Ami line art slightly altered (ear, nose, bottom of hair; collar bone lines added; her left sleeve redrawn straight to look less puffy)
- Panel 8 changes:
     * all sound effects rewritten smaller, moved to left corner of panel above the screen, no longer overlapping speech bubble
     * screentone on screen background changed to be same as on p. 14 (20); gradient screentone added on on area surrounding screen to make it darker
     * detailing added on screen outline
     * stroke around characters made thinner; extra starburst added on screen above Sailor V's gun
     * extra crying line added in speech bubble (now 3 instead of 2)

p. 53 (59)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; highlights and creases on sweater reduced; sleeves and shirt in general redrawn to look less puffy, her left sleeve now contained within right edge of panel; skirt  redrawn thinner, back bow added; collar bone lines added; mouth redrawn smaller; hands redrawn)
     * screentone on skirt now fades out instead of a harsh cut-off; screentone behind body removed (now fades to white just below shoulders)
     * line by left side of face now continues through all the way
     * "ピューン" and "チャララ~~" (now "チャラララ~~") sound effects and music notes rewritten smaller, now contained within panel
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * "カチャ" and "ピューン" sound effects rewritten smaller, now contained within panel
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; collar redrawn shorter, shoulder in bottom left corner erased; detail added to ear line art; lip line art thinner)
     * screentone behind Panels 2 and 3 changed to one similar to the one used on p. 48 (54), Panel 5 (horizontal lines overlapping a smooth gradient); now fades out behind and underneath Panels 1, 4, and 5 as well; typed vertical lines of numbers used in edges of Panel 3 now also occur where previous background screentone occurred
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * "カチャ" sound effects rewritten smaller, now contained within bottom of panel
     * gradient screentone added on top of panel (fades out going down)
     * typed vertical lines of numbers used on edges of panel now also on Ami's eye (instead of generic white English typing)
     * extra lines of numbers (but in light gray gradient) added to left of eye, and near the top right of panel
- Panel 4 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (outline of face thinner; collar and shoulder added below and to the left of speech bubble, fully inked)
     * "ピッ" sound effect rewritten smaller, now contained within top of panel
     * hand-written "あ~んっ" comment with crying lines rewritten smaller, moved inside speech bubble
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair; mouth, left side of face, and collar redrawn smaller)
     * background inked in below pigtail in bottom right corner of panel
     * stroke around motion lines thinner
- Panel 6 changes:
     * detail added to background (people drawn in more completely - person behind Usagi now has arms crossed, extra head added in top right corner of panel, for example; lines no longer fade out coming near Ami; lines added on Ami's machine)
     * "ピシューン" and "ガガガッ" sound effects near bottom of panel rewritten smaller, now contained within bottom of panel
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, bottom of shirt, sleeve, ear, hand)
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; screentone added to shirt to look less like Usagi's and more like Ami's sweater; outline of left hand and sleeve altered)
     * motion lines added near Ami's hands
     * screentone on screen changed to look more like p. 14 (20) and p. 52 (58); dark gradient screentone added on inset area around screen and in bottom left corner of panel
- Panel 7 tweaks:
     * detail added to background (people drawn in more completely; lines added on windows)
     * screentone added to Ami's shirt to look more like her sweater
     * "ピューン" and "ガガガッ" sound effects rewritten smaller, now contained within bottom of panel; "ピシューン" sound effect added below others
     * hand-written comment near top of panel ("人だかりっ") removed completely, top border of panel now uninterrupted (noise lines also cut off)
- Panel 8 tweaks:
     * "ピーッ ピーッ" sound effects removed
     * detail added to background (people drawn in more completely - guy to left of Ami now has a body, for example; a few more tops of heads added to the crowd)
     * lines of dots altered, no longer go beyond right border of panel or come close to touching third "ガ" of "ガガガガ" sound effect
     * Usagi line art altered (hair, skirt, outline of face; earrings and collar bone line added; shirt and her left hand redrawn)
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced, highlights and creases on sweater reduced; sleeves and shirt in general redrawn to look less puffy; her right ear removed; mouth and nose redrawn)
- Panel 9 changes:
     * background changed from black to gradient screentone (now lighter near edges and around "AMI") with horizontal line detail (although different from similarly described screentone used on p. 48 (54), Panel 5)
     * font of "SAILOR V" changed to a bold, more computerish sans-serif
     * font of "RANKING" (along with "rank," "name," and "score," which are now in lowercase) changed to a thinner pixel font
     * font of "AMI" now sans-serif, now colored black (all other text still in white)
     * font of all remaining text (numbers, initials, scores) changed to a generic sans-serif, no longer computerish
     * "h.m." and "k.k." initials now in lowercase
     * all smudges (light effects?) removed, except for the 3 lines to the right of "SAILOR V" and the thick smudge to the left of "RANKING"
     * Ami's score changed from "11130?" (last digit, represented by "?" cut off, presumed to be 0) to "11113?" (last digit weird and cut off, presumed to be 0 although looks to be shorter than a 0)

p. 54 (60)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, eyes, hands; collar and shirt redrawn, front bow added; motion lines - crying lines? - added by hands)
     * background people drawn in more completely (especially the hair and clothing of the guys on the right; Motoki's face redrawn; second button and slight detail added to apron)
     * Usagi's speech bubble brought to front (now cuts off one on the right instead of being hidden by it); screentone dots overtop Usagi's speech bubble altered (leftmost line stops higher, extra line added to its right); speech bubble of guys on right now cut off on top by border
     * Usagi's text no longer hand-written, now typed in standard font (and with extra "っ" added to end)
     * tail added to Motoki's speech bubble
- Panel 2 screentone stars replace hand-drawn sparkles
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (hair; shine on hair reduced; collar bone lines added; mouth possibly made smaller; inked shadow added to neck)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (shirt and skirt drawn in completely, sleeves altered; face and ears redrawn, but in similar style; hair of leftmost pigtail erased from inside screenone star; collar bone lines added)
     * Usagi's bold speech bubble now touches the border of Panel 1, no longer stops just before it
- Panel 4 Usagi line art slightly altered (shoe, her right leg, shirt, collar; more lines and fists added to waving arm; right ear and collar bone line added; inked shadows added beneath foot, on right leg)
- Panel 5 screentone stars added

p. 55 (61)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (mouth redrawn; collar bone lines added; her right pigtail drawn in more completely)
     * Ami line art slightly altered (sweater inked in more completely by collar, area by Usagi's arm; ear redrawn, hair just above ear inked in more)
     * Motoki line art slightly altered (body drawn in more completely; hair, ears altered)
     * bubble around Motoki's hand-written comment ("たのむっ こわさんでくれ" but now with extra "っ" added to end) removed, comment now written smaller beside his remaining touched-up speech bubble, complete with crying lines
     * tails added to Ami and Motoki's speech bubbles
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Ami's name now written in kanji in Usagi's speech bubble (from hiragana "あみ" to "亜美")
     * text change (correction): from "...よんでもい?" to "...よんでもいい?"
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair; outline of face thinner, continues to pen; her right sleeve redrawn; edge of collar on right side now defined instead of fading out, stripes altered)
     * bits of screentone and circles around Usagi removed, replaced with screentone flowers (some bits of screentone and a hand-drawn sparkle by Ami also removed, but replaced by nothing)
     * stock brooch added
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; shoulder added below collar on right side; detail added to her left ear)
     * "くすっ" sound effect (ellipses removed) on Ami's left rewritten smaller in space between her left hand and hair
- Panel 3 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced)
     * surprise lines moved from Ami's head to above "いけない" speech bubble
     * leftmost speech bubble drawn in more completely (no more gap)
- Panel 4 tweaks:
     * (surprised) generic bunny head replaces hand-drawn bunny in "あ  きょう" speech bubble (tail also added to bubble)
     * "まいんちっ?!" speech bubble redrawn thinner, straight left edge of panel now complete; more motion lines added in space between panel and bubble, but no longer overlap bubble itself
- Panel 5 Ami line art slightly altered (chin)
- Panel 6 tweaks:
     * Luna cleaned up (face redrawn; body thinner)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair; collar redrawn; lines on cheeks removed)
     * crosshatched screentone (same as on collar) added to Ami's shirt to look more like her sweater

p. 56 (62)
- Panel 1 detail added to building in bottom left corner
- Panel 2 image of hand inserting a disk changed to image of CD in open drive tray (sound effects changed accordingly)
- Panel 4 tweaks:
     * "ポン" sound effect, and hand-drawn star below, removed completely
     * Teacher line art slightly altered (ears; outline of face, facial features, and shirt made thicker; shading added to neck; hands cleaned up and finger nails added; chest and shoulders reduced; edge of collar brought in)
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced near speech bubble; her right sleeve redrawn thinner and chest reduced; collar bone lines added; her right ear redrawn smaller)
- Panel 5 tweaks:
     * outline of right speech bubble redrawn smoother (no longer puffy)
     * Teacher line art slightly altered (ears, hair, possibly eyes; outlines made thicker)
- Panel 6 tweaks:
     * Ami line art slightly altered (shine on hair reduced; earring removed; line on neck added)
     * outline of speech bubble no longer drawn in bottom left of panel (now completely white)
- Panel 9 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, mouth; hands redrawn with individual fingers; shirt redrawn more form fitting)
     * line art of background and background characters slightly altered (Naru's shirt; other girl's hair and elbow; curtains behind Usagi)

p. 57 (63)
- Panel 1 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, eyes, lips; chin redrawn smaller)
     * Kuri line art slightly altered (hair, chin)
     * detail added to background (extra lines)
- Panel 2 tweaks:
     * Naru line art slightly altered (eyes and eyebrows added; nose removed; cheek lines moved down; top of collar made shorter)
     * Yumiko line art slightly altered (hair; inked shadow on neck added; collar added)
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, ear, shoulders)
     * tail added to Usagi's speech bubble
- Panel 4 tweaks:
     * Usagi line art slightly altered (hair, ears; outline of face thinner)
- Panel 5 "カチャ カチャ" sound effects removed completely; bottom of panel now runs uninterrupted
- Panel 6 comment side bar removed completely, replaced by (an old) SD image of Ami [image]

nit-picking, sailor moon

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