Sep 24, 2006 22:29
I felt so sad... I was wishing I'd get phone calls this weekend. I did get a few but it wasn't the type of phone call I wanted. No one ever just calls to talk.
It's weird because I could pick up the phone and call... it's not weird to call just to say "hi" and talk. But all because someone once made me feel that it was... I don't do that.
Actually there's a lot of things I feel anxious about all because of the same few people and it's been going on for years. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. It's like being chained down by these people and they are barely in my life anymore. When do I get to let go? Is there like a final gesture or is it gradual?
I don't just want to talk about it or find ways to avoid feelings... I want to let go of them totally. Like I know experiences make you who you are... but I feel like I'm being weighed down and it's time to move on. I can't gain anything from feeling anxiety and guilt all the time.