Jul 11, 2005 00:40
so carrie ahs been bugging me about this and considering i have cash rideing on the outcoem of this serios... i think ill write down my redictions
if youve never read the harry potter books.... then maybe you should just skip this cause you'll have no clue what your talking about and i could go on with this for a while
1) well obviosly there will be lots of Sirius angst ... cause he was a badass... and apperntly head turningly hot in his younger days...and everyone morns the passing of a hot rebel... (ex. James Dean ... he is forever cool ... legendary if you will... and it sucked when hedied.... not that im asaying Sirius was at all on the same level of hot coolness as james dean its just an example)
2) yea i agree that it would make the plot WAY better to kill dumbeldore... cause A)with him in the story it would be easy peasy to kill voldemort nad B) with him around harry is a pussy ... grow up man ur like suposedly what 16... but the likely hood of that is slim... i mean its a kids book...you cant just do that.
3) lets see.... well im lookin at hermiony and ron getting togther cause its just the most liekly thing...
4) maybe a ginny and harry romance... but prolly not until the 7th book
5) im sayin that the half blood prince will prolly be nevil cause there was heavy hinting about it in the last book and once again... its ment for kids were not gonna get any real shockers
6)im gunna say that at some piont snape will do something evil... just because all us litle teeny bopper harry potter fans dotn like greesy guys... LOL JK ... really its just the thing thats likely to happen cause harry has wanted revenge on him since the beggingin of the book and once again in childrens books... the hero usually gets what they want
i cant concentrate cuase invader zim is on damn it lol ok ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
that should sufice for predictions... i dont anticipate anything to shokeing unless JK rowling suprises us all and does somehting interesting like ummm kill ron... that would be diffrent ...well im im out cause gavinii torilinii wants the comp ... but im thinking of renameing him geek stink breath... cuase his breath smells like thrown up white pizza thats been run over by a truck ... ok
thats about it
ps kara ur life is gunna change in new york... i can FEEL it luv to the max...