Live blogging as I watch Prometheus

Jan 04, 2013 22:13

Watching Promethus....

So far, very pretty. Maybe too pretty. Getting the Star Wars prequel vibe of "look at all the effects I can do now"

Why is he watching Lawrence of Arabia? Wonder what the significance is...

Big crew. Colorful cast of caricatures. Lots of people to die.

"Building better worlds" reminds me of Serenity and the Operative

Hm...why hire Guy Pierce only to put old make-up on him...something is up....

We have a title!

Magic rubix cube?

Fuck the Mayans!

Oh sorry, apparently Charlize wanted that to read "fuck the scientists"

"God does not build in straight lines"

I know David will go bad, it's how these movies go. But Fassbender is so pretty, I'm rooting for his untrustworthy robot ass

Maybe he has a death wish, why would you remove your headgear? Even if the atmosphere is safe, there could be germs that could be inhaled etc. what if they were allergic to some alien spore?

Wtf David! No touching or smelling or pressing invisible buttons

"Sure would be nice if we had some grenade right now, don't ya think?" -- not what he said but close enough

Why would David be able to read that? It should be totally alien!

Also where the frak does the geologist think he is going alone??? What did they sign up for? What if there are space rocks in there?

Thank goodness it's made of carbon...

David is going to get you all killed and he will have no remorse

Enough similarities and differences from alien and aliens to intrigue me....

Dumbest. Scientists. Ever.

David might look like he is saving you....but he is really just saving the head.

Shocking - the geologist and his friend are lost (even though he had the little robots that made the map, sweet irony).. They will die first.

Feels like the disembodied alien head should be in some kind of quarantine before poking it...

How does curiosity work for an AI? Can't tell if he is naive or evil...looks like evil since he is about to poison the boyfriend. Which is fine with me because he is an ass.

Ah, a map with an ominous red dot that pings....classic

Abandoned us? Sounds like he has some issues.

Omg die already boyfriend! You are just annoying! So dense.

Why would you fuck with a random alien creature that is not showing any fear of you?

If I say all these aliens look the same, does that make me speciesist? Why is it a trope on SF to have a crew of multicultural earthlings and aliens that all look the same?

I agree with Vikas - that guy has some crazy alien virus and the chances of them having a cure on board would be slim to none.

David trying to remove her cross...subtle...

And now she is preggers with his alien baby

Just noticed how scrawny Fassbender looks

Calibrated for male patients? Wtf

She wants to be a badass like Ripley so bad but she just isn't...

Open the door?? Why? These guys are terrible at space exploration. I'm kinda rooting for David at this point...

I like the theme, the idea of this movie. The human desire for answers, to know our origin, who "created" us. And we have David there, who knows all these answers about himself, his kind, and it brings him no comfort...because while it was stated up front that he has no soul, he appears to have emotions of some kind.

Do they not wear bras in the future? Just chest wraps?

So the jars full of alien goo are weapons of mass destruction created by the giants that turned on them faster than you could say "toaster"

Should have noticed the "family" resemblance between David and Vicars

"Doesn't everyone want their parents dead?" -- the paradox of humanity: wondering about our origins and looking away, while our connections to the past, our parents (direct line and just same species) is ignored, or worse, detested.

Beaten to death with the head of your own son...I don't even know now to interpret that !

This entire movie was made just to get the creature in that chair so he can die there and be there for alien...speaking of human flaws, what is this desire to have all mystery removed? To find logical explanations for everything. Does a bit of mystery borrow people that much? Can't Boba Fett just be a mysterious bounty hunter? Can't the creepy giant alien corpse just be a creepy thing to set the mood? I mean, the point of the movie is that they seek out more answers only to find out their creators wanted them dead and were just delayed...

...and in a weird way, the Alien from the original movie was the savior of man thanks?

Lol okay the ship rolling and crushing everyone is a little Looney Tunes

Giant attacked by giant sized facehugger...too many tentacles...

Was that supposed to be the alien? Wtf? Lame.

Should have just made a movie instead of forcing a prequel. Pseudo-prequel. Not even scary. :-/

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