#BuffyRewatch 1.01-1.04

May 26, 2012 23:14

So, it was a quiet night tonight, didn't feel like doing much of anything after maybedeadcat went home so I figured I would put in disc 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and start the rewatch!

1.01 Welcome to the Hellmouth

So, yeah, I can't remember the last time I watched this from episode 1. It's been over a year, at least. For those of you that don't know, I didn't start watching BtVS until the season 4 summer reruns. I saw season 1 for the first time on FX when the reruns started up and then my friend bought me the DVD set, which came out around the same time.

So, yeah, pilot episodes are always interesting. You can see the lack of budget when it comes to everyone's hair, make-up, clothes etc.. But I think the story is strong enough that the show survives. You can hear the actors learning to speak like Joss & Co write. There's some really weird "teen speak" that I'm SO glad they drop (the most painful scene is in the locker rooms right before the two random girls find the dead body).

Of the Scoobies, I think Alysson Hannigan is the winner of this episode. Her acting is probably the best thing. Nicholas Brendan and Sarah Michelle Gellar come in second.

Speaking of costumes -- Buffy's skirt is way too short. I don't think we see her in a skirt that short when slaying is eminent again. It's pants during the episodes, then short or dress at the end. I'll have to pay attention and see if I'm making that up or not. Xander is wearing a really ugly combo of a dark blue tank top with a somewhat sheer dress shirt on top. Just no. Willow dresses the way I did in Middle School (I raided my grandma's closet...don't ask).

I find it amusing the one pop culture reference that survives are the Starbucks jokes. 10 years later, everyone knows how small a "one Starbucks town" must be.

I'm glad that Luke is only the villain for a few episodes. His faux scripture quoting gets old fast. I understand it's all about working the metaphor of New Buffy vs. Old World Vamps. But it's a bit over the top to the point of ridiculousness.

Joyce & Buffy are still one of THE BEST mother/daughter relationships ever put on TV. Even in these early episodes, they manage to have a dynamic that is so honest and true.

1.02 The Harvest

I wonder how far apart the shooting was for this episode from the pilot. It appears that Willow's hair is more brown than red. Though it might be the lighting (Joss talks about his inability to light things in the commentary).

Random but I swear the sunglasses Buffy is wearing are in style now. Everything old is new again.

LOL I think I found the exact moment when Giles realized he should just toss the Slayer Handbook in the trash:

GILES: As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world --
BUFFY: He loves doing this part.
GILES: (speeding up) All right: They hunt vampires, one Slayer dies, the next is called, Buffy is the Slayer, don't tell anyone. I think that's all the vampire information you need.

It really is impressive how much is being imparted in these scenes without feeling like it. The conversation flow is normal, Willow & Xander are in the place of the audience, totally clueless, while Giles and Buffy lay out the vampire lore that applies to this world. Really well done.

And here is the mantra for the series -- Buffy denies her slayerness, then embraces her slayerness, then pushes her friends away, then embraces there help. That's who the show rolls, for 7 years, but it works every time.

Sarah's fighting stance is not quite right yet. I think it's due to the clunky jewelry and her manicured nails. She stands like...well, a girl.

Harmony, yay! Stoner guy WTF?

"Did we win?" -- the motto of Whedonverse heroes.

1.03 Witch

I've always liked this episode. I think it's because it really starts to get into the "high school as hell" metaphor. Plus, we've established the Scoobies and Buffy's role and we can just jump right into having fun. Like Giles disapproving of her trying out as a cheerleader.

Also - AMY! Wow, besides Buffy and Simpsons, how many other shows can you think of where very minor side characters stick around for the entire run? I mean, wow.

See, she has pants on in this episode. Very pastel pants. Wow.

Willow's face when Buffy calls Xander "one of the girls" is so priceless. Seriously, Allyson Hannigan = win.

Joyce: You’re 16.  I think there is a biological imperative that i can’t understand you because I’m not 16.

1.04 Teacher's Pet

Okay, not one of the best episodes BUT, like all Buffy episodes, there's so much going on that will carry over into the next episode, be it major plot points or just little relationship building things, you can't count it out completely.

One of the smartest things the Buffy writers did -- make the "Xander has a crush on Buffy" arc only last 2 seasons. By Season 3/4, he treats her more like a sister than someone he is attracted to. I mean, he still thinks she is hot but their friendship is based on more than his crush.

Yeah, not much to say about this episode really. Giant bugs are silly plot devices. The entire show is based on jokes about how horny high school aged boys are. Which they are. But would they let themselves be lured to the house of a creepy bug lady? Oh right, it's "pheremones"...uh huh, sure. :)

buffy, buffyrewatch, tv_shows

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