First an EARTHQUAKE, now a HURRICANE! What a frakkin' WEEK!!!!!!
I just don't want the power to go out before Doctor Who !!!!!
OMG DRAGON CON IS IN 5 DAYS! I seriously cannot concentrate or think beyond that right now. I keep trying to do other stuff (you know, work, clean the apartment etc.) but my brain is just "AAAAAAH!"
I should create a packing list of some kind...
I'm just taking my Starbuck and Fray costumes...not sure which to wear on what day...I'm only going to dress as Fray for a few hours because that damn hair spray makes my head itchy! It makes my hair hard as a rock too so I don't think I want it in there all day. Also packing a nice collection of geek t-shirts for when I'm not being either of those ladies. Debating on whether I should attempt to cram my tauntaun sleeping bag into
maybedeadcat's would be fun to run in the race but it would mean less room for goodies on the way home and I already have quite the shopping list:
Her Universe t-shirts
Jason Palmer print
QMX Firefly prints
other random cool impulse purchases that are bound to occur
oh yeah, and I need to leave room for stuff that
maybedeadcat might want to buy too! LOL!
Also, I am LOVING Spotify...just such an awesome service. I love that I can share playlists (here's my
hurricane/rainy mix I just threw together). If anyone still needs an invite, I think I have some, though
maybedeadcat and
simontrueheart snagged one with no problem just by submitting their email...
okay okay back to whatever I was doing before I started this entry...