Now my Sims can have even more of a life than me!

Aug 28, 2010 21:39

OMG, video games are eating my budget this year! I may have to put this one off until Christmas unless EA sends me a coupon again like they did for Ambitions and suck me in early.

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And, yes, that one chick had red eyes because she's a VAMPIRE! w00t! I hope they walk around with capes that they hold over their faces like they did in the ( Read more... )

video_games, sims

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Comments 8

lostacanthus August 29 2010, 04:12:39 UTC
Ahhh I am so excited for RB3! It looks so awesome. Idk if we'll get one of the RB3 guitars or not. (We have somehow broken our current one :\) My brother really wants one, but I'd be happy with an old one.

Omg you can get Gamestop gift cards from e-rewards? I need to stop deleting those emails and neglecting that place :<

I keep making new Shepards in ME2 and end up getting attached to them enough to want to run them through ME x) (Like, I started up a playthrough as a sentinel for my insanity run and fell in love with the guy. So now I like, NEEEEED to play through ME1 with him, just because of the Ashley romance. Lol I'm so weird~)


orangerful August 29 2010, 15:16:58 UTC
I broke the wammy bar on my wireless guitar :( I'm scared to try and fix it until I have a new guitar to back it up. Everything else I have is from RB1 so it's wired which gets annoying when you have a full band going.

YES Sign up for e-rewards. It takes while to earn the 50 e-dollars that turn into a $25 gift card, but it's pretty sweet when you do. It's pretty much the only thing I get off of there.

I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of ME and ME2 because I've only had those 2 Shepards and there are SO many different variations. AAAH!


lostacanthus August 30 2010, 02:39:42 UTC
D: I thought it was just the strum bar on ours, but my brother just told me that none of the buttons on the body work, probably because he tried to fix it lol. I wish you could like, idk, use the controller like you can with DDR x) Not like that would be any fun, but still.

I've actually had an account there for awhile. (I just logged in and I still have 10 bucks!) I've gotten like, magazine subscriptions before but now I know what I'm going to start getting instead haha

I have five Sheps so far, but I'm trying to decide on what to do for my last one. I know I'm going to make he/she an adept (and that gives me one of each class), but uh, lol I'm stopping there. Six will be way too many. Esp added to my DA characters xD


hermionesparkle August 29 2010, 08:11:37 UTC
Ugh video won't load for me. Is it about the Sims?


orangerful August 29 2010, 15:14:05 UTC
Hm, wasn't working embedded for me either! Switched it out with YouTube version. Yep, it's the trailer for the new Sims 3 Expansion. :D


hermionesparkle August 30 2010, 00:29:34 UTC
It looks really cool! Someday I'll have a good enough computer to get Sims 3. The new expansion looks fun.


marshmallow August 30 2010, 17:51:05 UTC
Yeah, I guess I'm not exactly wow'd by that setlist, but like you, I'm not sure that I would have been just reading them out of context for any of the others either. But for the 2000s in particular, the selection seems really, really odd.

They had a big thing for the Kinect at the fair! I didn't try it, but I watched for awhile. It still looks like magic to me. :P They kind of weren't demonstrating any games that would really set it apart from the Wii yet though. They were just doing bowling and river rafting, and aside from having your hands free, it looked pretty well the same. It would have been nice to see something like a Dance Central demo in the mix. I'll be checking it out again this weekend to see if they're showing any different games.

ETA: Also, OMG SIMS EXPACK. *flail*


orangerful September 1 2010, 15:35:05 UTC
I'm just excited about the keyboard haha. I don't know why - we actually OWN a keyboard and I don't play it...

I know Playstation's PLAY has gotten better reviews/comments but it looks too much like the Wii to get me interested, something about the body-as-controller just makes me curious. And I loved DDR but it's such a hassle to make room for the mat and stuff.

I KNOW! I've barely scratched the surface with Ambitions, and they already have this on the horizon!


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