Day 1 SDCC

Jul 22, 2010 22:12

Saw Megamind panel - Everyone was hilarious, especially Will Ferrell in his costume. Tina is adorable, I just want to groom her. Might be worth seeing in 3D.

Tron Legacy also looks awesome and Patton Oswalt made that panel even better with his snark. The audience was asked to record some crowd noise for the arena sequence. I hope we make the cut.

Was there when Patton announced that Guillermo del Toro was going to be in charge of a NEW Haunted Mansion movie. He is clearly a huge fan of the ride and says the movie will be scary, kids will scream.

I went into the exhibitor hall after that and wandered In a daze for about an hour. Finally I pulled out my "must do" list and headed over to the Her Universe booth. Ashley was there and she totally knew who I was from Facebook! She autographed the hat I bought and took a picture with me for the website, so someone tell me if I pop up on the Facebook page. Snagged the red shirt too but I might go back for more.

I went to the Titan books booth to ask about Drew Struzan autographs. Also met some guys doing a documentary on Drew Stuzan. They saw me buying his art book and asked to interview me. Crazy, I think I sounded okay though. They said I was very articulate.

Made it into the Joss Whedon & JJ Abrams panel, which was a blast. Must get into the Whedon experience tomorrow!

Ate dinner outside at an Italian place. While I was slurping up my spaghetti, I saw a familiar face and realized it was Aaron "chief Tyrol" Douglas. I made eye contact and waved at him ANC he waved back :).

Found the bioware/EA hotel and played a little bit of Dead Space 2. It was fun but since I had just eaten my first meal of the day, and it was very dark in the room, I got a bit of motion sickness and had to stop. Got a blow up plasma gun though so score.

Made m way to the Dr horrible singalong hosted by the browncoats. Always fun to hang out with fellow fans and belt out some tunes.

First panel in the list for tomorrow - Walking Dead tv show, hoping for some sneak peeks!

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