don't send out a search party or anything...

Jun 06, 2010 11:14

No, I am not dead in a ditch! Sims 3 Ambitions just finally arrived in the mail! And lordy it has reawakened the Sims addict in me ten-fold. I never really put a lot of time in with World Adventures, but now that my Sims actually have to WORK at work, the desire to give them a vacation actually happens so I've been taking them to China then sending them home to find a profession of their choice.

I picked up the first character I ever made on Sims 3 - Katniss. She's a bit older now, has a hubby and a son named Jake. Jake had just turned into a Young Adult from a teen when I started. So I sent him to China as a graduation present. He had gone before with the family as a child so he really wanted to go back and learn more martial arts skills. When he got there, a challenge was issued for him to spar with someone named Xi Yuan twice. So he practiced his fighting technique, leveled up a belt, then went to find this person. She turned out to be a hot chick. They sparred and he won both times, then they started chatting and immediately hit it off! But, unfortunatly, she was married so he couldn't get his foreign flirting on. Then his short vacation was over and he had to go back home.

But Jake missed his new friend. He decided to call her up and see if she wanted to visit his home town. She came to visit...alone. Now Jake no longer had to hide his feelings! They spent a fabulous whirlwind day together and before she could leave on a jet plane (or however Sims travel) he asked her to move in with him. She accepted, but she wanted to bring her teenage daughter along. So now they are all living with Katniss and Alton, who recently became a firefighter (he's also totally filled up his life bar so I'm scared he's going to drop dead on the next emergency run...). Firefighting is the only profession I've done so far and it's a lot of fun. Alton has to maintain the engine and alarm, then if a fire breaks out (or angry gnomes attack) he has to drop everything and hussle over to stop the fire! It would be a lot of fun to have more than one Sim in the same profession since I assume they would fight fires together. Might have to try that for Firefighter or Ghost Hunter...

So, yeah, this game is so addictive. I still don't like that I can't switch between families in a single town and not have to worry about my other family aging up and/or moving away while I'm playing.

I think I'm going to have to limit myself on Sims playtime. Maybe only play on weekends. It really cuts me off from the rest of the world since I play on my computer and have to turn off TweetDeck, plus when I log off it takes my PC a few hours to recover. And with the new Ambitions pack, you can't zone out while the Sims are at work if they have a profession because you have to fight fires/hunt ghosts/create fashion etc. in real-Sim-time. I used to dual-screen it and have my Mac Book open next to me while I played, but I tried that yesterday but I've got too much going on with my Sims to look away for long.

Anyway, time for me to catch up on my 30-Day meme!

video_games, sims

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