AD went to bed early and the newest episode of Legend of the Seeker is up on Netflix, so I'm bringing back the live blog. Typing my thoughts as I view "Hunger" for the first time. Obviously, there will be spoilers if you haven't watched the episode yet. :)
Oh, and since I never got around to typing up my thoughts on "Torn", I'll give you the short version - I loved it. I thought it was a really well done episode and it sort of put Richard in the position that Kahlan was in during the episode when Richard was confessed by that chick. Though he didn't know Kahlan wasn't Kahlan.
HEY IT'S THAT RAIMI BOY! <3 nepotism
LOL @ 'sploding tree.
Even more LOLs at Richard's little "thanks for moving the tree, Zedd"
Cara is very goal oriented, but she can only do one goal at a time. She also hasn't noticed that Richard has no problem doing side quests since he's been doing them all season.
Don't mess with Zedd's brother, Mr. Raimi. His brother can make trees 'splode.
Why has Kahlan not had a single line in this episode yet? Took an arrow to the arm to get her to talk.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! He just slit Cara's throat...damn and that bitch is STILL fighting. She is so awesome.
HA, I love that she's calling him out. She's a badass, even after she's dead.
Hm...what is Cara up to? She's got her trademarks i-know-something-you-don't-know smirk.
Evil Jack Black!
Damn you voiceover of Darken Rahl!
Oh I should have seen that coming...why does every show have one character with a brother that is misguided?
I have to ask again - where do people go when they die normally? if the Underworld is a bad place...
Evil Peter Jackson! (He was going to fly Southwest but they told him he was a safety risk)
Cara doesn't so much sprint as hussle.
Sidenote: I just found out that the LotS fandom refers to it as "No Undies World" - brilliant.
Cara is *this* close to completely freaking out.
AH that was a weird edit, he just jump-cutted next to her.
She's so upset, her accent is slipping
Aw if she wasn't so gross looking, I would want to hug her
Fan Service - we haz it.
Kahlan didn't have a lot in this episode, but she did have twice the lines last I guess that's fair.
*facepalm* @ ending