Out and about

Dec 12, 2009 11:50

We're at the theater, waiting for Princess andthe Frog to start. It's always so different seeing a kids movie in the theater. I'm curious to see how it goes. When we sawn Up , there were a lot of little little kids who just did not get it at all. I heard from one onlinefriend that tuis movie is a little dark for the real young ones. So far it looks like we have all elemntary school aged kids in here, but I did hear one person get tickets for a 3 year old.

I remember when I took Vincent to see Tarzan and he brought his friend from school. I think they were 8 or 9 years old. We'd never been out with this friend before and we found out pretty quickly that he was a movie talker, something that my family is not- we take ou viewing experience very seriously. I can still see the look of 'wtf' on Vincent's face. Ah the memories.

Holy crap, AD just came back with a LARGE popcorn. It was cheaper to get the combo than a large soda and a med popcorn. We will try to not hurt ourselves.

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