fall season 2009 is so 2008

Sep 28, 2009 22:45

AD made chex mix today while I was at work. So delicious. Though, of course, it is impossible to make a logical amount of chex mix, you have to make...oh 3 HUGE tupperware's full. Good thing it is so good for me with all that salt and margarine...oh wait.

CBS did update the Amazing Race website today with the premiere episode that aired last night, so I was able to see the second elimination of the season. Yeah, this show is so addictive. It is really the only reality tv show I've watched on a regular basis.

I'm not sure what to do with Heroes. We didn't even get through the premiere episode and part of me just doesn't miss it. As AD pointed out, I don't even really care about Hiro anymore, and when you don't care about the most adorable character on the show, what's the point? I'll probably let the DVR fill up and if I don't hear some amazing "OMG THAT EPISODE MADE UP FOR TWO CRAPPY SEASONS" from the f-list/twitter world, then maybe we'll just let it go. I think the only thing that would make me tune in now is if Alexis Bledel guest starred (oh, come ON, you know you want to see a Rory vs Jess showdown!!!! ADMIT IT!)

The Office has also gotten old to me. I want to hang around to see the Jim/Pam wedding, but they are still writing Michael WRONG. He just can't be that painfully incompetent. And everything he does would get you fired in heartbeat, and it's just not funny. I haven't even watched the second episode yet because the first was so rough. Blah. My DVR list keeps getting smaller.

So, instead we're watching season 2 of Burn Notice, Season 1 of Fringe (thank you Netflix!) and waiting for 30 Rock to come back and be glorious. DVR should have Big Bang Theory for us too. I'm watching season 1 of Mad Men - just rewatched the pilot episode and had forgotten most of it, so I think rewatching all of the 4 I've seen before moving on to 5 would be wise. Yeah, so I'm watching old tv while the new tv is on.

When the heck does Chuck come back? It did get renewed, right? That show was fun. Plus, he knows kung-fu now! Still need to catch up on last season of Supernatural and Dexter so I can start this new season. Oh, and I need to speed watch Legend of the Seeker so I can start watching season 2 next month.

Played a lot of Sims 3 today. Tried to start up a big family group because I'm bored with my solo girl, but the house I put them in was too comlicated and it was a hassle to find them. Need to get a boring house and shove them in it. Or get my single girl to hook up with her man. Problem is, both her and her "romantic interest" are loners, so I don't think they want to live together or get married. At least, it hasn't been an option.

NEW PARAMORE ALBUM TOMORROW! AND I'M REALLY SURE THAT'S RIGHT THIS TIME!!!!! Will have to run in to Target on my way home and snag me a copy to rock out to.

ACK! That reminds me, need to set up the DVR to tape Conan tonight - Paramore is performing (hayley even tweeted about her adorable socks!)

sims, tv_shows

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