faeriesfolly made it look so cool when she did it for True Blood last season, I'm going to try live blogging (i.e. typing out my thoughts as I watch) the Season 2 Dollhouse premiere.
I've actually managed to avoid spoilers for this episode. All I know is that Jamie Bamber will be the guest star. I'm excited to see what they do with this opener since it appears that initial reviews are positive.
Okay, here we go!
side note - Brothers seems like an odd lead-in for Dollhouse...? And every time I see Carl Weathers, I think of Arrested Development.
Spoilers, duh!
wtf Topher looks confused.
Bride of Frankenstein?
Aaaaw, poor Victor. :(
rolled in flower and dipped in - HEY NOW!
Shexy new opening sequence. I approve.
sleep topher is scruffy...i like it.
racist kinky imprint? Yikes.
Whiskey/Dr. Saunders is angry.
"Copied on the results" - don't say "Copy" around Dr. Saunders.
"My entire existence was constructed by a sociopath in a sweater-vest."
I'm already feeling this episode. I can hear the Whedon in the lines, always a good sign.
OH yay, Jamie gets to speak with his normal sexy accented voice...mmmm....
HA! Nice edit from sex to push-ups. So Joss.
Ah there's Echo...
"I'm justice, I'm blind when I need to be blind."
oh snap, I are dumb, it's just the imprint.
"Have to check the wiring,...and the plumbing"
AH Ballard is the client...wait, where did he get that kind of money? Or is this his deal with Dewitt? He won't expose the Dollhouse if they help him solve crimes?
I have to say, ever since Epitaph One, I like Topher a lot more. I wasn't really sure how I was supposed to feel about his character, but the reveal of Whiskey in Omega and the possible-future Topher's reaction to losing control of the Dollhouse and it's tech made me realize that he's not a bad person, just a bit too self confident. Which is good because he's adorable.
oh snap, no Lollipop for YOU!
It's a smirk off. Boyd vs Ballard.
I think Ballard won.
Playing the November/Mellie card. Well played Dewitt.
"I'm not asking you to handle me" LOL!
Oh shit, Ballard that was sloppy of you.
Whoa, that Topher & Saunders scene was beautiful. Wow...see, we had to have a doll-of-the-week season to get to scenes like that. These characters are finally coming together...while they fall apart.
Ah THERE'S Echo. At the worst possible moment ever. But still.
And since Ballard said they don't have audio in the house, he'll have no idea what just went down...
I like how Jamie says "Ballard"
Yay, Victor is pretty again
Aw, sad Topher. I want to snuggle him.
oh Victor/Sierra what?
Where are you going Whiskey?
Pretty sure Echo just gave us the mission statement for the rest of the series. Or at least the season.
Wow, way to go Joss! You just somehow made all the episodes of season 1 better. This was what we were working towards the whole time. These characters have survived 12 episodes and have evolved into more than just mad-scientist topher and dr saunders and doll-a-week Echo: now they've got a bit more meat on their bone, there lives are a bit more complicated.
So Echo is there now, right? Or is she only able to communicate with Ballard when she is in her blank-doll state? From the previews for next week, I'm going to guess that is the case.
That may be my new favorite episode.