Dorian Gray trailer

Aug 16, 2009 14:46

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Yeah, I'm not sure the Firth-Factor (tm!) can save this one. The guy who played Prince Caspian is cute, but in this trailer he suddenly looks like a poor man's Jude Law. And I haven't read Dorian Gray since high school, but I don't remember too many explosions...but then again, I could be wrong ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

faeriesfolly August 16 2009, 18:54:30 UTC
I can't even think rationally. All I can think is DO ME.

Especially when thinking of both this and Holmes? OMGUH.


ekaterin24 August 17 2009, 01:55:24 UTC
Do I have to say, "let me know when the Holmes movie comes out and I'll go with you if I can"?


orangerful August 17 2009, 02:12:55 UTC
oh something tells me that will be a group outing. No one should go alone into a movie with that much hotness. ;)


shah_of_blah August 17 2009, 03:59:53 UTC
I think I will loathe this movie. Judging from the trailer, it doesn't look like they actually read the book.


orangerful August 17 2009, 04:08:42 UTC
yeah, it's going to be bad. Really bad. There is no denying it. The fact that there was no mention of the actual PICTURE in the trailer is worrisome at best.


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