tv thoughts: Dollhouse - Epitaph One

Aug 10, 2009 22:18

So, I finally saw Epitaph One last night, the unaired episode from Dollhouse season 1. There has been lots of discussion of this episode, but I've been avoiding it to stay away from spoilers. I know that when FOX originally said they were not airing the episode, Joss commented that it wasn't really part of the series in the normal sense.

Let me explain

The episode takes place 10 years in the future. In this future, the tech that makes the Dollhouse possible has been co-opted by some organization - we don't really know who let it out into the world, we just know it happened.

I really enjoyed the episode. I thought the story was really cool and it was neat to see all the characters in this new world. BUT at the same time, I'm not sure I am comfortable with it now that Dollhouse has been renewed for a second season.

You see, to me, Epitaph One is an alternate future, something that may or may not happen. Because if it is "canon" - if the writers feel the need to make the story go in that direction...well, we already know how it ends. And I don't see Joss functioning well in the whole Star Wars Prequel storytelling structure. And perhaps that is why Joss wasn't too broken up about it not airing on TV, because having it as a DVD only episode means it's not quite canon, right? The fact that it's called "Epitaph One" seems like a hint that perhaps this isn't the future that is set in stone, it's just possible way that the world can end.

Anyway, I have to say the scene between Topher and Dewitt in the mid-future, where Topher is having a "bad day"...that broke my heart. Their friendship has clearly grown as their world crumbled around them. And poor Topher...I was honestly never sure if we should trust him or like him, but after seeing Epitaph One, I realize that he's not a villian. He's just not thinking about the implications of what he is doing. He's not setting out to rule the world, he's just enjoying the science, and we know where that can lead. But when he tries to remember if it was his idea or not...

I also think Victor might outrank Agent Ballard in hotness when he is being himself. And it was really cool to hear Dichen Lachman's real accent (at least, I assume that was her normal speaking voice). Oh, and speaking of Victor, I rewatched 'Ghost' this evening and I totally saw him getting into his bed at the very end. You only see the back of his head, but it is clearly Victor. So funny that he was right in front of us the whole time.

Oh, and any time Felicia Day is on my screen, I am happy, even if she has crazy living-in-the-sewers hair. Actually, they all looked like refugees from a BSG episode.

I can't wait to listen to the commentary. I think it was a really well done episode, but I almost wish Joss could have pulled a J.K. Rowling and locked it away somewhere until the show was officially over. At the same time, I think it might be my favorite episode of the season...or at least in the top 5.

Seeing the hints we had to where it might all go in Season 2 (Echo/Caroline speaking to Paul in the elevator) really makes me excited! Can't wait to see who she is this time.

tv:dollhouse, tv_shows

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