oh noes!

May 27, 2009 22:34

I bought a pair of yoga pants from Victoria's Secret because they were on clearance and Amy told me they were uber-comfortable, so my "Dollhouse" costume is halfway there!

BUT the True Blood "Merlotte's Bar" t-shirt is GONE!!!!!!!! :(

Part of me really wants to get a Star Trek female officer uniform, ala Uhura. Though I think I like the classic style rather than the new J.J. Abrams version. Unfortunately, it looks like I would have to learn how to sew. And the one site that every single place I Google tells me to buy the pattern from is sold out!

I was hoping I could find a "good enough" pattern, you know a McCall's "Space Adventure" thing, that's not quite Star Trek but just close enough for a n00b like me to handle sewing. But alas, I cannot find anything but this one store! It says "back ordered" gives no hint about when they might arrive. (and all the pre-made ones I found were just...yeah, no...plus they only go up to "medium" which means my "not medium" self will have issues).

hm hm hm....

costuming, star_trek, dragoncon

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