I got an hour to kill before i have to leave for work, now what?

Jul 15, 2008 11:41

Okay, the crack in my windshield is not practically invisible. They did a really good job and it only took 20 minutes! Just enough time for me to read an article for my Children's Resources class. SCORE! Of course, I was unsure of how long it would take so I got everything ready for work. Now I'm home chillin' like a villian.

The Dr Horrible page is totally down so I cannot watch the silliness! NOOO! It will be a treat to watch when I get home.

I got bored and put curlers in my hair when I got home. I should have put some gel in first because I looked really cute for about 60 seconds (just enough time for me to decide to put make-up on, which I never do for work). Now its fading fast. Still, CURLS! I'm far too lazy to do this on a regular basis, but I might try it again on Thursday. I tried to take a picture but I ended up making faces as I attempted to hold the camera at arms length. So just take my word for it, I was adorable. :P

Installing the new Mac OS Leopard on my laptop so I can try the Spore creature creator tonight.

My Discover card bill just came today, that was depressing. I think I will try to behave a bit for the rest of the month. I need to save up $$$ for my crazy road trip in August. Mmmm Lobster.

The Ruins came from Netflix today. I know it will be horrible, but I must watch it since I read the book, if only to complain about it.

Dunno when we will see Batman. NO SPOILERS PEOPLE! I'm trying to remain relatively spoiler free (though I did flip through the Dark Knight Easy Reader we got at the library. But I'm pretty sure that only scratched the surface of the story).

Okay, back to refreshing the Dr Horrible page...

random, real_world

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