Yes, I just spent 3 hours watching E3 point?

Jul 14, 2008 23:31

So, we just watched the entire re-run of the Microsoft E3 Press Conference.  It was painful since we just sent our Xbox into be fixed.  Made me want to play so many of our games.

-- I don't get Fallout 3.  It looked cool with them blowing the people up into bits but how long until that gets boring?  Meh, I dunno.  AD said its for you types that like Oblivion.  I'm sticking with Gears of War 2.

-- Same feeling towards Fable II. I didn't play Fable, but AD did and he beat it in one day. And when the highlight of the preview is that OMG YOU CAN HAZ KIDS!...yeah, bring on the Gears of War Meat Shields! (plus, all the stuff he kept talking about as being so cool on Fable II is stuff I can do just as easily in WoW)

-- Lulz Microsoft, nice Mii! The Xbox Live facelift is a cool idea, I see how they are trying to appeal to the more casual (read: Wii purchaser) gamer.  They are also trying to beat Sony to the punch, since PS3 Home has been delayed how long?  At first I rolled my eyes at the "party" mode but the more they discussed it, the more I could see hooking up with Amy, Joe, Alan, and Vincent all online and playing silly games together.

-- I think I need that Scene It game.  I could totally pwn at it.

-- The whole time the Harmonix guy was talking, all I could think of was that Daniel Tosh bit where he talks about randomly inserting the phrase "suck it" into presentations.  Everytime the Harmonix guy would mention an exclusive (all of which were way better than Guitar Hero World Tour's), I could hear it, in the background.

-- I'm ashamed to say...I think I might need to get LIPS.  I've always been slightly amused by SingStar, but the fact that it was on the PS2 sort of kept me away since I have no idea how much longer ours will last.  LIPS looks like fun. Plus, the whole thing with being able to plug in your iPod for instant karaoke to your most random of tunes is just fantastic. FINALLY!

-- Resident Evil 5 looks like...well, Resident Evil 4 but prettier.  The online co-op thing always ruffles my feathers as I'd prefer to play with AD while he's sitting next to me.  But perhaps I can bribe Alan or Amy into playing with me online.  Just cuz games are more fun with friends.

-- Portal: Still Alive.  w00t.  I'm waiting for The Orange Box to go on sale for Xbox because all I want is Portal.

-- You're In the Movies or whatever it was called is clearly Microsoft trying to create some party/family friendly games.  It reminded me of a visual mad-libs: you do what the "director" says and then he inserts you into some silly scenes.

-- w00t for Xbox360 and Netflix teaming up! I don't have very many movies in my Insant queue but what few I do have might be amusing to see online. Especially since my computer is too old to stream them. Plus, who knows what other cool stuff they will offer.

Be prepared, tomorrow is the Nintendo Press Conference. They should have footage of the new Clone Wars game. Wii-mote + Star Wars = AWESOME. I feel some "squees" coming on....

video_games, e3

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