which BSG character am I?

May 12, 2008 18:53

You always stick to the plan - until it goes wrong; then you improvise with the best of the hotshots.

When it's time to work, you work. When it's time to party, you kick back, light up, or throw down. You try to please people one minute, and the next you don't give a frak what they think.

At times you seem noble, idealistic and heroic. Then you turn around and do something selfish, expedient or cowardly. Whatever direction the wind blows, you find a way to go with it.

The one constant in your life is your ability to agonize over your decisions, past and present. You worry about honor, hold grudges, brood over disappointments, cling to unrequited loves, and seem to be the one person everyone else takes for granted.

They say you're a pain, but they'll miss you when you're gone.

quiz, bsg

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