best G4 E3 sketch yet

May 10, 2006 20:37

The intro to yesterday's coverage of E3 - I am so highly amused by this. There's a stupid little comercial in the front for no apparent reason, but just wait 20 seconds and you'll be at the actual clip. Gamers will laugh out loud.

We've watched 2+ hours of E3 coverage on G4 today...I agree with jimithingy, Olivia is pretty bad. I don't think she has any muscles in her arms. When she turns, they just sorta stay by her side and jiggle.

The Wii "nunchucks" are looking cooler and cooler. They showed Adam playing 'Red Bullet', and I'm not much for First Person Shooters but the Wii remote and the one swordfighting bit, I really want to play this game. Perhaps we'll start renting games again...Super Mario Galaxy looks cool too. And a NEW SONIC!

oh, and SPORE. Yes, this game has verdatum, simontrueheart, and my name written all over it. You start out as a single celled organism and work your way up to galactic domination. There was a video of Kevin Pereira playing with the creature editor and it looked like fun. (scroll down for a link to the video).

Nothing so far for DS Lite, GBA, or PSP in the reports. Perhaps handhelds will be covered later in the week.

video_games, e3

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