sophisticated soda

Apr 09, 2006 16:50

Coca-Cola Blak- has anyone had this? I hadn't even heard about it. Sounds...well it sounds kinda nasty. If you have the sound on when you go to the site, it's a sensual female voice calling the drink "sophisticated" this is, what, coke for grown ups ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

bittertwee April 10 2006, 00:04:13 UTC
eeeeww.. what is this? Carbonated, sweet coffee? There's 45 calories in a bottle, so assuming no artificial sweetener, there's got to be a good amount of coffee in it. I dunno.. why mess with coffee?

I'm not so sure about the name either. The misspelled "black", with the diacritic reminiscent of the coke symbol, looks trendy and european, but my first thought was "Coca-Cola Blech"

(totally off the subject, but this reminds me that I just got back from Ikea, where all the products have Swedish names, and while there I saw this guy carrying around a box that said "fartyg", which I of course read as "Farty-G" which I thought sounded like a good name for a rapper. I think the guy caught me looking at him and giggling, but I wasn't about to explain why)


Farty-G in the hizz-OUSE orangerful April 10 2006, 15:40:49 UTC
okay, I laughed so hard at Farty-G last night that I forgot to reply! haha. I should make a character on Warcraft named 'FartyG' and when people ask I'll just say I'm swedish and act all confused!

Someone I was talking to looked at the ingredients to the Coke Blech (which I'm calling it from now on) and said that one of the ingredients is a buzz word for low-cal people. But then they dumped all the sugar in there anyway. It's weird.

It does want to be European so bad, did you have the sound on when you went to the site? It's laughable! If it had been April 1st I would have assumed it was an elaborate ruse!


Re: Farty-G in the hizz-OUSE bittertwee April 11 2006, 02:34:12 UTC
either that or Farty G is Kenny G's unpopular sibling, master of the other wind instrument :-)

{I'm sorry- I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I thought of that, so I had to share. This is why I never became a teacher! If you can't keep a straight face during a fart joke, there's no hope for you when faced with a roomful of kids!)

I can't tell if Coke Blech wants to be European or "urban". I know Coke and Pepsi sales have fallen with all the other stimulant drinks that are out now, so this must be their answer.


Re: Farty-G in the hizz-OUSE orangerful April 11 2006, 03:45:31 UTC
HAHAHA! Man you are on a ROLL!

Apparently, Coke Blech thinks it's a power drink, as our Giant has placed it in the same section as the Red Bull and such. And it only comes in 4 packs, in bottles. OOooOOOOh.


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