promise me we shall never speak of this again!

Mar 28, 2006 23:58

there was a post in fanthropology today about the life-sized Britney-Spears-giving-birth statue. I had assumed, as any sane person would, that the statue was a joke, something the Onion made up to get hits. Something the 'Snakes on a Plane' producers put out there to find something even more ridiculous than there movie. But no. It's real. And it scares me. and it's LIFE SIZED! Was that necessary?? And there's this whole big thing about how it's a "pro-life monument". It's just so very very creepy.

Honestly, if you haven't added the cj_rss feed to your flist, you should. You're missing out on awesome links like this - Brokeback Mountain Action Figures

Tomorrow I get to dress up as 'Sneaks' the library's mascot. Sneaks is a large feline...he wears sneakers. One of the elementary schools is visiting to I shall say hello to them in the cat suit. Hopefully they won't freak out. Sometimes little kids freak out. I haven't been Sneaks in awhile though. Should be fun! I put my camera in my bag so hopefully I can get someone to snap a picture of me so you make all point and laugh. It's good times.

'Great Books' is next week and I have not read very many of the books I was supposed to read for the dicussion groups. I've read a chunk of 'confessions of a closet catholic'(which got annoying after awhile) and 'I am the messenger' (which is awesome!) but I've only flipped thru 'Let me play' (lots of pictures!) and have merely looked at the jacket covers of 'simple as snow' and 'what I call life'. And I saw 'pinned' on the shelf once....

I blame 'I am the Messenger'. Of all the books, it was really good, and when a book is really good, I tend to read it slower. I know that doesn't make sense, but I tend to savor the words more, I want to make sure I understand everything that's going on. If I read fast my comprehension level goes right down the toilet. Plus, it's written by an Australian so it's that much cooler. I really do like it. It's labeled as young adult, which is a shame because it doesn't feel like a YA book. (when I say that I'm referring mostly to all the coming of age, gossip girl, style books). Typically, YA books tend to take place in high school and yadda yadda. This one, I think the protagonist must be he's out of high school, and driving a taxi around. And since it's Australia, he's playing cards with his friends and drinking beer.

See, he gets this random card one day (Ace of Diamonds I believe) and it has street addresses written down on it. So he goes to these homes and realizes that he has to help the people he sees. It's funny. One of the people he eventually meets up with is a priest who's sad that his church is so empty. He decides that he need to fill up the church at least for one day to make the priest happy. What's his plan? FREE BEER! haha. Ridiculous. Sweet book though. I'm not done with it yet so I can't tell you how it ends, but right now I'm really liking it.

I made some icons...I shall post them soon...

work, books, wtf

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