not-a-trailer thoughts: The Beatles: Get Back

Jan 04, 2021 22:56

Star Wars and The Beatles. It’s weird to lump these two together. To an outsider, they have very little in common, apart from being major forces in shaping popular culture forever. But you probably wouldn’t think of the two in the same moment unless you were taking part in some kind of quiz show.

But for me, they are two of the BIGGEST obsessions I ever had in my youth. I memorized actor’s names in Star Wars and I knew the stories behind every Beatles song. And every time I think I’m done with them, that maybe I’m over them. They PULL ME BACK IN!

Case in point, this “not a trailer” released by Disney and Peter Jackson two weeks ago (that I am just seeing now??):

image Click to view

At first I was like “Huh, okay, Beatles thing, I guess I will watch this, it’s only 5 minutes.”

But then the images of the four of them, so clear, in color…the audio as clean as if it was recorded today…I could feel my heart swell and the 13 year old fangirl inside me began to jump up and down and slowly freak out with every new sequence - every snarky comment from John, every smile from Paul, George’s quiet presence (yet somehow judging us all) and Ringo’s antics.

If all 56 hours were remastered, I would watch all 56 hours so it is probably for the best that Jackson is going through and editing this down to a more reasonable amount of time.

It was the same feeling I had when the ‘Force Awakens’ trailer dropped. The cynic in me sat down to watch, but when it ended, I was fully on board with it. I will probably listen to The Beatles in my car tomorrow and hang on to that energy that they bring me.

I have a bootleg copy of ‘Let It Be’, the 1969 film that most of this footage originated from. I watched it once and I don’t think I can ever watch it again. It was painful to see these four friendships crumble under the pressure of the past ten years. So what did Jackson find in that “lost” footage that compelled them to create this new documentary? Will he manage to craft a happier story? Or at least a more realistic picture of what was going on inside and outside the studio at the time?

Does the world need another Beatles documentary? Probably not. Am I going to enjoy this and get emotional about four men I have never met? Without a doubt.

Jackson - don’t let me down.

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fangirl_moment, music, movie trailers, movies, about me, beatles

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