
Nov 01, 2020 11:55

Well, I'm about a month behind on everything, it seems. October has been rough, mentally, I think. Not only did the says start to get shorter, but the election news has ramped up and it has left me feeling mentally exhausted and full of dread all the time. It's not good.

Been mostly watching silly YouTube videos and playing Wingspan/Animal Crossing (I figured out that if I do Wingspan online vs other players, I can play ACNH while they take their turns...

Anyway, I'm not sure if I will have the brain power to go back and catch up on everything. All your entries are sitting in my inbox...I haven't read a long form novel since the start of this whole thing (February?) so I guess it is no surprise that I also can't focus enough to read blog entries beyond a paragraph.

Just want to get through this week...feels like Tuesday is lurking...and I know it probably won't be over on Tuesday either...if it is a landslide, he will say it was fixed, if he wins...well, fuck. (and also, it probably was fixed then). This entry was originally posted at https://orangerful.dreamwidth.org/1366528.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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