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beccadg August 10 2020, 23:55:40 UTC
Hawkeye from MASH, #10

So your top ten did meet the "Ninety percent of everything is crap" threshold at nine crap and Hawkeye. Cool. It only breaks down as you get further out in the results.

Should maybe be counted as one half because I don't like the show but I like him?

I'd give the quiz full credit because it's about matching you with a given character, not a given fandom, and you like Abed. YMMV.

Yay! She's my favorite on that show.

Cool. Depending on my mood she's either second or third after Zuko. My top three are Zuko, Toph, and Appa, or Zuko, Appa, and Toph.

A lot of DS9 characters I don't like showed up higher up on the list though.

Might be a bit more entertaining if you keep in mind that the versions of the characters the quiz is comparing us to are weighted towards fanon rather than canon. Part of how the quiz is slightly more scientific than the average matching quiz is how it asks quiz takers to rate the personalities of the fictional characters. I did some of that rating while I was trying the different versions of the quiz. I don't remember every fandom I worked in, but I know I hit Castle and BSG. It gives you a bunch of fandoms, you tell it which ones you're familiar with, and it picks one of those for you to rate.


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